Kingdom Come 2020
gathered Thy Kingdom Come prayer meetings will
not be possible in 2020, prayer opportunities resourced by
the Thy Kingdom Come WEBSITE include:
- Making use of the daily Prayer Journal to
guide private prayers
- Praying the morning, daytime, evening and/or night prayer
resources from the CoE & RCC
- Downloading the Thy Kingdom Come app to
access stories and prayers from Bishop N T Wright
- Using the Prayer Adventure Map to
engage children in prayer
- Praying with a few friends at a
regular, set time each day during the novena using Social Media
- With friends from one or two local churches, organising a day
of prayer

In support of Thy Kingdom Come, a
special video has been launched yesterday (Thursday
21 May). The 45-minute presentation features four short
conversations about aspects of the Lord's Prayer.
The conversations are supplemented by Bible readings, sung
worship and intercessory prayer.
The video features (in alphabetical order by surname):
- Revd Adrian Argile (Regional Minister
Team Leader, Heart of England Baptist Association)
- Pastor Dr Marcus Chilaka (National
Ecumenical Officer, Redeemed Christian Church of God)
- Revd Steve Faber (Moderator, West
Midlands Synod, United Reformed Church)
- The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave (Bishop
of Lichfield, Church of England)
- The Most Revd Bernard Longley
(Archbishop of Birmingham, Roman Catholic Church)
- Revd Rachel Parkinson (Chair,
Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District, Methodist Church)
- Lieutenant Colonel Karin Ramos (Divisional
Leader for Leader Development, West Midlands Division,
Salvation Army)
- Bishop Mike Royal (Apostolic Pastoral
Watch the programme HERE.


Durham University's Centre for Digital Theology
has published 'Everybody Welcome Online,'
which gives excellent advice about online Christian ministry.
The digital version of the 'Everybody Welcome' material was
written by Bob Jackson, with help from George
Fisher, both of whom have played leading roles in the
Diocese of Lichfield. The resource is freely downloadable from THIS

Cliff College, one of the Methodist Church's
national training colleges, is to stage 'Festival at
Home,' a free, online festival taking place over the
Bank Holiday weekend, Friday 22 to
Monday 25 May inclusive. The festival will include
worship, seminars, challenges, prayer, teaching and
more. Access the festival via YouTube or THIS LINK.
Country Women's Aid
If members of churches are willing to
print off the following poster, and ask shops/businesses that are
open to display them that would be really good too. Churches that
have suitable public facing notice boards/windows could too. If
you could let Andrew
Beattie know those shops that agreed, and the ones
that refused (we do not want to pressure shops, sometimes
the on site staff are not allowed to decide this) it
would be helpful and much appreciated.
Anyone can call them for help, and at the very
least they will give the details of the more local support to
distant callers.

We Can update
Firstly, as you may have seen if
you are connected to All We Can on social media, we have been
producing short videos every day at 1:17pm to help people keep a
sense of connection, togetherness and worship in these
strange and isolating times. We have been drawing on Paul’s
letter to the Colossians, and in particular Colossians 1:17,
where Paul writes that ‘in Christ all things hold

Secondly, All We Can and the
Methodist Church have launched a joint ‘Emergency Coronavirus
Appeal’, which is enabling people, communities and churches in
some of the world’s poorest communities to respond to the virus.
Some of you may have seen the Easter Methodist Sing-a-long on
Easter Sunday afternoon, where we launched this appeal. We have
been inviting people to pray with us, to give (if they can) and
to save lives together.
You can find out more about the appeal and support our work here

Finally, All We Can and
Cliff College would like to invite you to Festival at Home, a
digital Cliff Festival on 22nd – 25th May. Festival at Home
is an opportunity to learn
with contributors across the world and our partners engaging in
the theme of ‘Global Vision’ and to engage with an online
community and to grow in faith together. This will be an exciting
digital gathering of Methodists and friends of Cliff where All We
Can will be launching our key campaign for 2020/21 – watch this
You can find out more by joining
the Facebook group here:
Children's Support Fund
The funding allocated
specifically to the support of children and families in the
District - particularly those experiencing some form of
deprivation - is still open to accept applications at the moment.
Are there projects you might consider which could offer
support even during the lockdown?
maximum amount of any claim is £500 and a Church can apply at any
time using the attached form
and send it electronically to Tim Lorimer who will process your
application and give a decision within six weeks of receipt. The
application will need the support of the hosting Church and
circuit superintendent. Church’s cannot apply for retrospective
We would hope that individuals and groups that have contributed
in the past to the Holiday Fund will still wish to do so knowing
that there money will still be used for Children’s Projects.
For more information please contact Tim Lorimer
Policy Committee Secretary Post
post of District Policy Committee Secretary has become vacant
following Angela's completion of her term, for which we would
like to thank her for her years of dedication and hard work.
If you would be interested in finding out more about the post,
please contact Rachel at
to request an application form.
Please be aware that the District Office is not in use at the
moment and so please do not leave messages on the office phone as
we are not able to access messages remotely.