From:                              Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District Office []

Sent:                               28 May 2020 11:28


Subject:                          28/05/2020


Latest News:
ON-Line Coaching Course
Easter Offering details
Modern Slavery Training

On going Campaigns:
Thy Kingdom Come 2020
Dial-a-prayer free phone line
District Children's Support Fund update
District Policy Committee Secretary vacancy

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ON-Line Coaching Course
Wed 10th June; Tue 16th June; Wed 17th June; Tue 23rd June; Wed 24th June; Tue 30th June
Each Session 2:00pm - 5:30pm

The course is highly interactive - over half of the time in sessions is spent doing practical
exercises, mostly in groups of two, three or four.
The coaching skills taught are invaluable both for formal coaching sessions and for
helping Christian leaders develop a more empowering, interactive style of leadership.
The material was developed by Keith Webb and his team at Creative Results Management
(CRM) ( and has been used around the world and
across almost every denomination to equip church planters, missional pioneers and church
The UK team led by Revd Graham Horsley have trained over 200 people as coaches. Graham is
an International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach and holds a CRM
Trainers Licence.
The online course is an intensive introduction to coaching skills consisting of 6 meetings of
three and a half hours (each meeting consists of two sessions with a 20-30 minute break).
Topic and skills covered in this practical and interactive workshop:
• How to listen actively so others feel you understand them.
• How to ask powerful questions that initiate a change of thinking.
• How to generate feedback that avoids defensiveness.
• How to design action steps that will actually be accomplished.
• How to follow-up to increase learning and accountability.
For more information contact Graham Horsley:; 07966448310




Important notice about Easter Offering 2020

As we all know, the coronavirus is having a big impact on many aspects of our lives at the moment and many planned events are having to be postponed. You may be aware that we had already suggested that Easter Offering services should be held during the autumn. However, it now looks unlikely that autumn gatherings will take place, especially for elderly or vulnerable people.
Having spoken to the Global Relationships team, it has now been decided that we must further postpone the use of the 2020 Easter Offering materials, and therefore ‘Into All The World’ will now become the Easter Offering service theme for spring 2021. By postponing in this way, we hope that the Easter Offering will raise a good deal more money next Spring, when we will hopefully be able to gather together properly. We will change the date on the downloadable materials to 2021, but if you have already printed materials with the 2020 date, they can of course still be used rather than wasted.
This therefore means that THERE WILL BE NO EASTER OFFERING SERVICE IN 2020. Instead, we have agreed to work with the Global Relationships team to produce a short reflective act of worship for use in the autumn, on the theme of how Covid-19 is affecting our global church partners.
Many extra grants have been sought from the World Mission Fund to help those who are really struggling at this time, and it would be good to encourage our ladies to make any contribution they can this year towards that specific work. The service can be accessed online, or printed off for those without internet access, and used for individual reflection or in small groups, depending on what is allowed by then. Easter Offering envelopes could be distributed with the resource, and donations can be sent to the World Mission Fund directly.
So we would ask that you pass on the message that the Easter Offering 2020 materials will now be saved to use in spring 2021, but that later in the summer we will send out a link to a simple service based on the impact of Covid-19, to use in autumn 2020.  If you have any questions, do get in touch with us.
It is being sent to all of the contacts on our mailing list to ensure that it gets as wide a coverage as possible. If it doesn't relate directly to you, then please pass it on as appropriate, or simply disregard.


Carolyn Lawrence

on behalf of the MWIB Executive


Modern Slavery Training Event

Mon 1st June 1.00 - 2.30 pm or Thurs 11th June 7.00 - 8.30 pm

We’re delighted to share with you details of our latest training sessions. As part of our
Covid-19 work, we’re putting together a series of events, trainings, podcasts and videos to empower people during lockdown. We are calling this ‘Lockdown Learning’. More information can be found at

The first sessions are around Modern Slavery, which is continuing despite lockdown and is even harder to recognise.
This training will be led by Debbie Huxton. She is a Modern Slavery Campaigner, employed by Transforming Communities Together and funded by Lichfield Diocese Mothers’ Union in partnership with the Clewer Initiative.
Bookings are via Eventbrite at

Every blessing,
James Henderson
Senior Development Worker @ Transforming Communities Together 


Thy Kingdom Come 2020

While gathered Thy Kingdom Come prayer meetings will not be possible in 2020, prayer opportunities resourced by the Thy Kingdom Come WEBSITE include: 
- Making use of the daily Prayer Journal to guide private prayers
- Praying the morning, daytime, evening and/or night prayer resources from the CoE & RCC
- Downloading the Thy Kingdom Come app to access stories and prayers from Bishop N T Wright
- Using the Prayer Adventure Map to engage children in prayer
- Praying with a few friends at a regular, set time each day during the novena using Social Media
- With friends from one or two local churches, organising a day of prayer

In support of Thy Kingdom Come, a special video has been launched yesterday (Thursday 21 May). The 45-minute presentation features four short conversations about aspects of the Lord's Prayer. The conversations are supplemented by Bible readings, sung worship and intercessory prayer. 

The video features (in alphabetical order by surname): 
- Revd Adrian Argile (Regional Minister Team Leader, Heart of England Baptist Association) 
- Pastor Dr Marcus Chilaka (National Ecumenical Officer, Redeemed Christian Church of God) 
- Revd Steve Faber (Moderator, West Midlands Synod, United Reformed Church)
- The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave (Bishop of Lichfield, Church of England)  
- The Most Revd Bernard Longley (Archbishop of Birmingham, Roman Catholic Church) 
- Revd Rachel Parkinson (Chair, Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District, Methodist Church) 
- Lieutenant Colonel Karin Ramos (Divisional Leader for Leader Development, West Midlands Division, Salvation Army)  
- Bishop Mike Royal (Apostolic Pastoral Congress) 

Watch the programme HERE


Dial-a-prayer free phone line

FREE phone service to hear prayers and news from the Methodist Church has been launched.

Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514

Listen to news: 0808 281 2478

Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.

 For more information click the following link:


District Children's Support Fund

The funding allocated specifically to the support of children and families in the District - particularly those experiencing some form of deprivation - is still open to accept applications at the moment.  Are there projects you might consider which could offer support even during the lockdown?  

The maximum amount of any claim is £500 and a Church can apply at any time using the attached form and send it electronically to Tim Lorimer who will process your application and give a decision within six weeks of receipt. The application will need the support of the hosting Church and circuit superintendent. Church’s cannot apply for retrospective funding.
We would hope that individuals and groups that have contributed in the past to the Holiday Fund will still wish to do so knowing that there money will still be used for Children’s Projects.  For more information please contact Tim Lorimer   on 07971899084. 


District Policy Committee Secretary Post

The post of District Policy Committee Secretary has become vacant following Angela's completion of her term, for which we would like to thank her for her years of dedication and hard work.
If you would be interested in finding out more about the post, please contact Rachel at or to request an application form.
Please be aware that the District Office is not in use at the moment and so please do not leave messages on the office phone as we are not able to access messages remotely.



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