YMCA hosts needed

For any teenager, experiencing family breakdown is one of the
most challenging life experiences that they could ever face.
However, the risk of homelessness for 16-18 year olds leaves them
with an even more daunting prospect during the Covid-19 outbreak,
as many teenagers are left wondering what will happen and where
they will go.
Since the outbreak hit the UK, YMCA Open Door has
been helping over 50 young people across the Black Country who
have found themselves in the precarious position. The Open Door
project has been placing young people at risk of Homelessness
with Host families for over 10 years, but at this particular time,
there is even more need for more Hosts – people who have a spare
room within their house and a caring heart.
Rachael Taylor (project manager) stated, “Many people do not
realise the challenges for young people at risk of homelessness
during this pandemic. Apart from the concern of where they may
end up from night to night, it is a huge challenge going through
family breakdown at their age and being socially isolated from
the rest of your friends, family and community”.
In this challenging time, we are appealing to the goodwill of
people who have a spare room and a caring heart to consider also
providing a safe place for a vulnerable young person.
Our Hosts can decide to take a young person on Supported Lodgings (a
longer term arrangement which can last up to 2 years or
short-term Emergency Nightstop which
usually last a few days or at the most a few weeks.
Please get in touch with us if you can help and find out about
our next online training. You can speak to Jonathan, our Host
Coordinator (0121 524 3255) to find out more or e-mail opendoor@ymcabc.org.uk. Better
still, if you complete the online form we can send out one of our
information booklets to your home.
If you’d like to learn more about becoming an YMCA Open Door
Host, please contact us using
our enquiry form, our team will be happy to
answer any questions or concerns you might have.
Refugee Sunday resources
We know that Covid-19 has impacted lives around the world.
Unfortunately, refugees are at a high risk due to the conditions
they currently find themselves in. This week, during Refugee
Week, we encourage you to make use of and share All We Can’s
Refugee Week worship resource. You will find all you need to run
a service that reflects biblically how we are to love our
neighbour: allwecan.org.uk/refugee2020
'Prayers in Lockdown'
in Lockdown” is a booklet written by 28 people in
Shop Sunday which is a new expression of Church
and part of Coventry and Nuneaton Methodist Circuit.
Each prayer has twelve verses and there are 19 prayers
(symbolically 19 in recognition of Covid 19) - each prayer has a
one word theme.
To cover cost there is £2 charge which includes postage or £1.50
per copy for orders of more than 10 copies.
Our aim is that the booklet should reach vulnerable and/or
isolated church members and people in care homes without access
to online resources.
For more details:
02476 221719
07966 388195
Lay Conference 2020 postponed
note that the Lay Conference 2020 between the Lichfield Diocese
and Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District has been postponed
until Saturday 4th December 2021. Details can be found as they
become available on. https://www.foodforthejourney.co.uk/
Church Survey
An invitation for ministers (lay and ordained) and other church
workers to engage in an international study of the online church
during the COVID19 crisis? Please click on the following link to
take part: https://www.contoc.org/contoc/contoc-int/
“The CONTOC research
project is an empirical, representative survey of the development
and implementation of digital church practices and programs
during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the period March -
June 2020, i.e. from Easter to Pentecost 2020. Our study covers
22 countries on 5 continents, making it a unique research
for Children Sunday
Action for Children Sunday
year, Methodists and some other church denominations celebrate
Action for Children Sunday on the second Sunday in July. Our
staff always look forward to this celebration because it gives us
an opportunity to meet and thank our longstanding, faithful
year, we expect things to be different due to the Covid 19
pandemic and lockdown. Churches have had to replace physical
meetings with online worship. Some may not even have the ability
to host online services. We understand that and would like to
assure you that it is ok if you can’t mark Action for Children
Sunday on 12 July. You can pray for us on that day and mark it on
a later date.
worship resources were ready before the lockdown and I’d like to
share them with you: https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/resources-and-publications/promotional-materials/resources-for-methodist-fundraisers/
There is a booklet with a service outline, a prayer bookmark and
a link to a video about Lyle, one of the children your generosity
has helped us to support.
Free online advice for parents
also like to tell you that we have boosted our online resources
to support children and families. Our Coronavirus
(COVID-19) - advice and support brings together a wide
range of topics categorised by subject matter and by children’s
ages (i.e. 0 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years and 13 years and above).
We also offer free and confidential live chat with our parenting
like to thank everyone for their support over the years. It
means a lot and we’re proud of our relationship with the
Methodist Church.
safe, well and strong.
Karis Kolawole
Head of Faith Partnerships
Chaplaincy Opportunity at Briar Hill House
Vicky Talbot has decided to retire after 5 years
as MHA Chaplain at Briar Hill House. We’re seeking to appoint a
new part-time Chaplain to continue
and develop the excellent chaplaincy
support that Vicky has provided. The post calls for a friendly,
outgoing person who has experience of supporting older people,
including people living with dementia. The post is part
time, for 10 hours per week.
We are looking for a lay person or an ordained
minister who will offer pastoral support and spiritual care to
all residents, including at the end of life. The person will also
be a listening presence for friends and relatives, and for staff
members. An understanding of the spiritual needs of older
people, demonstrated through experience of providing pastoral
care and leading services, is essential. So too is the ability to
address and meet the needs of people with dementia.
person appointed will be in good standing with their faith
community and will build good working relationships with local
faith communities.
Part of MHA, Briar Hill House provides residential
and nursing care for up to 36 people in purpose-built
accommodation. The post is a rewarding opportunity for the right
person to make a difference to the spiritual wellbeing of the
More information about the post and details of how
to apply are available on the MHA website http://www.mha.org.uk/careers. The closing date for completed applications is
Sun 28th June 2020.
homes are currently closed to visitors because of coronavirus
(Covid-19). As a result interviews will be done through Zoom.
with questions about the post can get in touch with Cathy Dakin,
MHA Regional Chaplaincy Advisor (Cathy.Dakin@mha.org.uk).
Cathy Dakin
Regional Chaplaincy
Methodist Homes
Mob: 07580 701860
Children's Support Fund
The funding allocated
specifically to the support of children and families in the
District - particularly those experiencing some form of
deprivation - is still open to accept applications at the moment.
Are there projects you might consider which could offer
support even during the lockdown?
maximum amount of any claim is £500 and a Church can apply at any
time using the attached form
and send it electronically to Tim Lorimer who will process your
application and give a decision within six weeks of receipt. The
application will need the support of the hosting Church and
circuit superintendent. Church’s cannot apply for retrospective funding.
We would hope that individuals and groups that have contributed
in the past to the Holiday Fund will still wish to do so knowing
that there money will still be used for Children’s Projects.
For more information please contact Tim Lorimer
on lorimertim@yahoo.co.uk