Ablewell Advice Aviva Bid
advice are often being asked how people can make donations.
Well here's how.
Please support their crowd funding bid through Aviva. They need
as many people as possible to make donations in the next couple
of days, as seeing support for the project is likely to encourage
Aviva employees to support them.
They are seeing unprecedented demand for money and debt
advice, despite the amazing team working all through
lockdown. They need more capacity to reduce our waiting time for
appointments and need to raise money to expand their team. Please
give as generously as you can. Every pound helps.
Coffee Break Prayers free e-book
the success of our first “Prayers
in Lockdown” we have now published a second
Booklet. This one is called “Coffee
Break Prayers” - Again the booklet has been
written virtually through collaboration with 29 authors.
Hard copies are available if you would like some and you can
download it electronically. We ask if you use the booklet that
you just acknowledge Coffee
Shop Sunday. There is no copyright issue I
take the view that God is the owner of all our prayers - Here is
the electronic link.
Let me know if you would like hard copies.
Ever blessing.
02476 221719 Mobile: 07966 388195
For more information about Coffee Shop Sunday click
links below:
Blog Facebook Group Instagram Twitter
Resources for Holocaust Memorial Day Launch
Join us at the online launch of our resources for
Holocaust Memorial Day 2021
We are excited to share our new resources to support communities
to mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), even while socially
Join us online on 15 September from 4:00-5:30 PM as we share
exciting ways for individuals and organisations to get involved,
with Olivia Marks-Woldman, Chief Executive of Holocaust Memorial
Day Trust (HMDT), exploring the importance of marking the day.
Local HMD activity organisers from all over the country will hear
from Martin Stern MBE, survivor of the Holocaust, who will discuss
the theme for HMD 2021, Be
the light in the darkness.
The HMDT Outreach team will showcase brand new resources which
will enable groups of all kinds to mark HMD 2021, with a chance
for you to ask questions. With the world facing a global
pandemic, joining together in person isn’t always possible, but
our resources will give you ways to join together with others, to
learn from genocide – for a better future.
For more information about the event and to sign up, please visit
the Eventbrite
page. Please note that there is a limited number of places left,
so please book early to avoid disappointment, and cancel your
ticket if you are later unable to attend.
We look forward to sharing our new resources with you. If you
can’t make the event but still want to find out more about
marking HMD 2021, please feel free to get in touch.
Thank you for your continued support for HMD.
Kind regards,
Job Opportunity for a School Lay Worker - Telford
The Telford
Methodist Circuit seeks to appoint a School Lay
Worker at the (Methodist/ Anglican controlled) John
Fletcher of Madeley Primary School
- 7 hours per week
term time only (plus pro-rota holiday pay)
- Pay Range £9:30
to £11.45 per hour
- Application
deadline: Monday 7th September
- Interviews will
be held during the second half of September / early October
Telford Methodist Circuit is seeking a person to
work within our Anglican/ Methodist School to help support
the Christian ethos of the school. This will involve engaging
with staff and pupils on a variety of activities including
corporate worship, after school clubs, supporting lessons (in particularly
leading up to the main Christian festivals), pastoral care, etc.
The person appointed will also help to encourage Methodist
support for the school and help the school to understand its
Methodist Heritage.
This appointment is until 31st July 2021 in the first
instance and then depending upon funding.
For further information and an informal chat prior to application
please ring:
Oakley 01952 510546
Connexional News

Phoebe Parkin, from the Telford Circuit has now started her term
as this year's Youth President and we wish her well and
look forward to her Virtual Welcome Service on Sunday 13th
September at 4 pm online. (more details to follow).
All We Can Change Begins with a Bicycle campaign

For girls like Nawalat in Uganda, bicycles are more than a means
of transport – they are a way to break the cycle of poverty. This
year, you can join All We Can and be a part of the change that is
happening. Support All We Can’s Change Begins with a Bicycle
campaign using the resources available to order or download from
Thanks and God bless
Children's Support Fund
The funding allocated
specifically to the support of children and families in the
District - particularly those experiencing some form of
deprivation - is still open to accept applications at the moment.
Are there projects you might consider which could offer
support even during the lockdown?
maximum amount of any claim is £500 and a Church can apply at any
time using the attached form
and send it electronically to Tim Lorimer who will process your
application and give a decision within six weeks of receipt. The
application will need the support of the hosting Church and
circuit superintendent. Church’s cannot apply for retrospective
We would hope that individuals and groups that have contributed
in the past to the Holiday Fund will still wish to do so knowing
that there money will still be used for Children’s Projects.
For more information please contact Tim Lorimer