From:                              Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District Office []

Sent:                               12 January 2022 12:26


Subject:                          12/01/2022


New this week:
EDI Open Sessions
Cliff College Holy Habits Retreat
In case you missed it:
Climate Sunday Webinar
District Pilgrimage Easter 2022
Free church choir festival
Wesley House Short Course
Amplify Youth Event
Methodist Conference Volunteers 
Discover Church at the Margins
Children's Support Fund (form updated)

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EDI Open Sessions

In coming months the District, in tandem with the Birmingham District, will be building capacity to help with the work of seeking Justice, Dignity and Solidarity within the Church through the formation of EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) teams.
If being involved with this is something you are interested in and may enjoy, you’re welcome to an Open Session on Zoom about the role of an EDI officer, run by Jill Marsh who is the Inclusive Church Implementation Officer for the Methodist Church.  It comes with no commitment to then become involved but would be good preparation for any future recruitment to a role within a Circuit or the District.
The session is on Tuesday 18th January at 7pm
Please contact the District Office for the Meeting ID and passcode.  (


Holy Habits Retreat

4-6 March 2022 at Cliff College
The call to Christian discipleship is a call to adventure. Holy Habits explores this adventure through a rich mix of biblical material and inspiring stories. This weekend retreat from Cliff College is led by the author of Holy Habits, Andrew Roberts, and will include devotions, conversations, creative activities and space for personal reflection. Read more and book here.


Climate Sunday Webinar

Climate Sunday webinar - 1635x1090 copy.jpg

Climate Sunday: what's next after COP26?

Webinar – Thursday 20 January 2022, 7-8.30pm

COP26 may be over, but it will continue to be vital for churches to build on the progress made over the Climate Sunday campaign. We’re calling on churches to continue to deepen their understanding of creation care and climate justice, to continue to take action in their buildings and community for the environment, and to raise their voices to put pressure on the UK government to scale up and follow through on climate commitments made in Glasgow.

Join us to hear about where you can go next in the pursuit of creation care and climate justice. We’ll be focusing on three main questions:

  • How can churches continue to incorporate the environment and climate in their teaching and worship?
  • Why is it helpful for churches to be part of a greening scheme as they make commitments for the climate?
  • What needs to happen to keep 1.5 degrees alive?


We’ll have panellists from the Climate Sunday steering group as well as guests from the greening schemes to tell you about their campaigns and actions. The panel will be chaired by Andy Atkins from A Rocha UK.



Please register to attend.


District Pilgrimage: Easter 2022

Celebrate Easter this year by joining a small Pilgrim Community sharing life together as we travel through beautiful Shropshire Countryside (subject to COVID restrictions at the time).  We’ll be using a route tried and tested in 2019, staying overnight at churches in Church Stretton, Stiperstones, Bishop’s Castle, Clun, Craven Arms and Ludlow.
Begins Easter Monday 18th April.  Arrives Ludlow 23rd April with invitation to stay and lead worship together on Sunday 24th April.
Up to around 10 miles walking per day on footpaths with some stiles.  Very steady pace!
Accommodation is on church floors but with support vehicles to transport luggage and bedding of your choice.  Catering will be done communally.  Over 18’s only for overnight stays, but day walkers will be welcome.
Suggested contribution £110 pp to cover food and transport but means to pay should not be exclusive.
To show an interest and for more information please contact the District Office:


Free Church Choir Festival

Our usual Free Church Choirs biennial Festival of Church Music had to be postponed this year, and has been rescheduled to Saturday 21st May 2022 in Lichfield Cathedral.   
Over the years we have had very good response from Methodist churches, choirs and individual singers.
Although the festival is organised by the UFC.,  it is open to all denominations and we have had very good support from Methodists in the past.
I’m attaching the flyer which has key information for anyone wishing to either sing in the choir, or attend and be part of the congregation. 

Entrance is free, - there will be a collection to help defray costs.

Your help in publishing this is greatly appreciated. 
Please contact me if you need more information. 
Many thanks,

Email: for more information


Wesley House Short Course

I wanted to bring to your attention a new short-course that is being run by The Revd Dr Paul W. Chilcote, Director of Global Wesleyan Theology at Wesley House, throughout March 2022

Based on Paul's book Active Faith - that you receive e-access too - this four week course helps participants learn how to resist the dangerous ideologies  and toxic forms of faith in our age that sap energy and create barriers between God and people.

It introduces four Wesleyan practices that help renew and restore truth, joy, peace, and love to the soul.

Further details and registration can be found here:

Please feel free to forward this email onto anyone you think might be interested.

If you have any queries don't hesitate to get in contact.

With best wishes,



Amplify Youth Event

The Birmingham and Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury districts are working together to put on a residential event for our young people called Amplify. Following the success of 2020's event, we are so excited to get our young people back together again.
Held over the weekend of the 11th-13th March, young people will gather, with their leaders, at the Pioneer Centre in Cleobury Mortimer for outdoor activities, worship, games and Bible study as well as informal times of fellowship to build friendships around the Districts. 
The cost has been subsidised by the Districts, costing £80 for young people and £20 for leaders, to include all accommodation, activities and food for the weekend. 
In order to book on to this exciting event, leaders or parents will need to use this eventbrite link to book.

Amplify 2022
Weekend away of fun and fellowship for all aged 8-18 in the Birmingham and Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury Methodist Districts.

 In using this system, the cost is taken up front, although alternative arrangements will be put in place if this is not possible, so please do encourage any young people in your circuits to be involved.
If you want to be involved with the planning of the weekend, or have people in your churches who are particularly passionate about this work with young people, then please don't hesitate to be in touch with Melody Jones (  - the more varied this group, the better!
Thank you so much


Telford '22 Methodist Conference Volunteers Needed


Discover Church at the Margins

A 90 mins online introductory session
When: 7-8.30pm on 1st February 2022
ForWest Midlands Learning Network region
Over the following ten months we are holding an introduction to Church at the Margins in each learning network region. Open to all.  
Poverty across the UK is rising with a devastating impact on the lives of individuals and communities. How should we respond? What is God’s invitation to us? This webinar offers an  introduction to the vision and values of Church at the economic margins with stories from local practitioners in urban and rural contexts.
Hosted: by Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer and Sarah Hulme, Rural Officer.
Click on the link below to register


Children's Support Fund

The above fund has been available to access for about 18 months now and I would encourage more applicants to support the young and disadvantaged children from our District. As we are now coming out of the pandemic I am sure Churches are looking at what new activities they might be able to run and this fund may be able to help. There is a ceiling of £500 and applications need to made on the attached form and emailed to Tim Lorimer @
Some examples of activities we have supported are:
Kingswinford. Purchase of Lego sets for their Full of Spirits Project
St John's Bloxwich.  Support for School meals
Fallings Park, Stationary bags to support prayer spaces for Children
Stafford.  Tablets to help in school work
Beckminster.  Christingle Bags
Aldridge.  Support for their ECO warriors project
Bourne Methodists.  Support for newly formed Dads and Children's Saturday club
Cole Street.. Working with Safer Families Charity providing activities for Children
Should anyone want more details of these projects please send me an email.




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