New this week:
Chaplains at Safeguarding Training
Nominations for Chair of Wales Synod Cymru
3Generate 2022
HS2 Community and Environment Fund
case you missed it:
Stationing Training
Connexional Events open to all
SRC members needed
Children, Youth, Family & Intergenerational Ministry
Cliff College Holy Habits Retreat
District Pilgrimage Easter 2022
Amplify Youth Event
Methodist Conference Volunteers
Discover Church at the Margins
Children's Support Fund (email updated)
free phone line to hear prayers : 0808 281 2514 Methodist News :
0808 281 2478
Chaplains at Safeguarding Training Sessions
As part
of our commitment to providing safer spaces within the Church,
the District routinely provides a lay or ordained Chaplain to be
on hand during the delivery of safeguarding training. The
role of this person is to lead (set) devotions at the beginning
of the session and then to be available to listen to any of the
attendees during the session. A video training guide is
There is a particular need for chaplains willing to cover online
safeguarding training. We are looking for good listeners
with an interest in promoting safe practice. The larger the team,
the less frequently any one person will be invited to offer their
If you feel you can offer this occasional service to the
District, then please do contact our new Assistant Safeguarding
Officer, Kay Redfern, at
3Generate 2022
delighted to let you know that 3Generate, the Methodist children
and youth assembly, will be taking place at the NEC in Birmingham
again: the dates are Friday
30th September to Sunday 2nd October 2022. Tickets go on sale
from 1st April
to 31st July so groups can
register and book tickets during this period but payment isn’t
required until the first week of September 2022. More information
can be found here.
HS2 Community and Environment Fund
happy to pass on a possible source of grants for Circuits with
areas within the Staffordshire County Council area.
The HS2 Community and Environment Fund has
listed Staffordshire as a priority area for them. You may want to
explore this avenue of funding if you have any projects to
‘enhance quality of life or the environment’ in your area.
The website has lots more information. It’s been recommended
to us by the Grant Fundraising Enabler in the Yorkshire North
& East District.
Stationing Training 2022
the positive response to online training sessions last year,
training in Stationing processes will once again be held online
and broken down into separate sections. The training will
be conducted by the Chair and the District Lay Stationing Rep.
Ministers and Circuits expected to be involved in stationing will
receive individual notification of these sessions. The
training is for ministers, spouses/partners,
Superintendents and Circuit Stewards involved in
reviews or moves. Training on the process for re-invitation
would also be very helpful for any other people, such as Church
Stewards, who may play a part in the review process.
Thursday 5th May: An introduction to the
Stationing Process*
Monday 23rd May: The re-invitation
Tuesday 24 May: New appointments
Tuesday 24 May: New appointments
(Circuit Invitation Committee)
*NB the District Policy Committee previously arranged for that
date is being postponed due to other factors)
Events open to all.
Divine Online – the monthly meetup for digital
Are you working in a digital field or interested in how digital
is shaping the church? Want to learn more about digital theology
and finding God online? This monthly meet up is facilitated by
Fiona Fidgin, Digital Training Officer for the Methodist Church.
Meeting monthly on the second Wednesday of each month 2pm –
3.15pm starting Feb 9th. Come and join in the
learning and the conversation. Sign up here to register:
2022: a Methodist exploration of discipleship &
Ever wondered what God is calling you to? Would you like to have
a greater impact as a Christian disciple? Make 2022 the year in
which you join with others to explore your gifts and faith.
‘Encounter’ is a place to deepen your awareness of God an opportunity
to reflect on your faith journey a supportive small group
environment for sharing and learning together.
Starts February 2022, ends November 2022. To find out more
Working Together: Bullying and Harassment
Join a group to explore some basic techniques to create good
practices in ministry (lay or ordained) that address negative
behaviour. This course takes place over two mornings and is led
by Gill Thomas and Kerry Scarlett (Learning Network). Please be
available on both Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th February,
09:30 to 13:00, on zoom. To book your place go to:
Bookings close on 9th February 2022. For more
information contact Gill Thomas
additional training dates for Positive Working Together courses
(including Growing
through Change and Conflict, and Scripture,
Spirituality and Conflict) please visit the following
webpage and scroll down until you see the section on training
dates for 2022.
a Church at the Margins: A 3 session interactive online course
Aim of
the course: A space to think about connecting and
becoming a community of new Christians amongst and led by people
experiencing poverty.
For: People
who are passionate about their community with very little or no
experience of this kind of work. Whilst you can attend alone
ideally, we would like you to join as a team (you plus one other
person from your church or circuit) to share in conversation
together (if you are an experienced pioneer drop us an email for
more information).
session in the course builds on the previous session, so you need
to be available to attend all three sessions. The sessions are
designed to be interactive rather than formal presentations and
will not be recorded. This course is open to all across the
connexion (not just West Midlands)
by: Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer
and Kerry Scarlett, Regional Learning and Development Officer
book: please click the links (in blue) below, or
go to
and click the links in red beside the dates you wish to attend.
First Course
15th March 7-9pm: Session One:
Creating connections and spaces where people truly encounter one
29th March 7-9pm: Session Two:
Nurturing communities in which people with lived experience of
poverty are recognised as the experts
12th April 7-9pm: Session Three:
Sharing the gospel and seeing transformation as people grow in
faith and challenge injustice.
course will be repeated on the following dates:
8th June 7-9pm: Session One:
Creating connections and spaces where people truly encounter one
22nd June7-9pm: Session Two:
Nurturing communities in which people with lived experience of
poverty are recognised as the experts
13th July7-9pm: Session Three:
Sharing the gospel and seeing transformation as people grow in
faith and challenge injustice.
If you would be interested in attending this course over two days
face to face at Cliff College, please email:
Online Retreat Feb 3rd 7pm
Does our covenant prayer inspire you, or make you run for cover?
Join this online retreat to hear how some young Methodists made a
covenant with God, and prayerfully consider which aspects of a
Methodist Way of Life you are being called to explore.
in an Interfaith Context Mar 10th 7:30pm
Jesus tells us to ‘go out and make disciples’, but what kind of
evangelism, if any, is appropriate in an inter-faith context? Is
our ultimate aim to convert our siblings of other faiths to
Christianity, or can we be confident Christian witnesses while
learning from and celebrating the differences in one another’s
religions? We’ll tackle these questions and more in this webinar co-hosted
by St Philip’s Centre in Leicester and the Evangelism and Growth
team of the Methodist Church. There will be an interfaith panel,
a keynote theological address, a chance to discuss, and some
practical guidance
Members needed for Strategy and Resources Committee
Strategy and Resources Committee are seeking two new members.
Initially this would be for a term up to four years, but with the
work on Oversight and Trusteeship continuing this may be reduced.
Expressions of interest are invited from lay and ordained members
of the Methodist Church in Britain. If you are aware of
anyone that you feel has the skills, proven ability and
gifts in governance or strategic thinking and planning to enhance
the mission of the Church then please encourage them to complete
an expression of interest form.
The deadline for the forms is 12 noon, Friday 11 February 2022
via email
The interview date is to be confirmed.
If you have any further queries then please
Youth, Family & Intergenerational Ministry questionnaire
us about your ministry! We want a snapshot of children, youth,
family & intergenerational ministry across the connexion, in
order to better support and resource this work in future. If
you’re a district, circuit or local church leader or supporter of
this ministry, then please complete our short survey before 11 February 2022.
You can respond as an individual, or if you’ve got a
district/circuit/church meeting coming up then please put it on
the agenda and give us a group response – it’s sure to generate
some interesting conversations.
We welcome responses from District Chairs, District
Missioners, 3Gen District Ambassadors, members of NPNP Shaper
groups, Synod Secretaries, District Policy Committee Secretaries,
Superintendents, Presbyters, Deacons, Lay Employees, youth
leaders, children's group leaders, Sunday School leaders,
families workers, both paid and voluntary leaders, and others –
in short, anyone who leads or supports this kind of ministry! We
also welcome multiple responses per district/circuit, as this
helps to build a richer picture.
for district leaders | Questionnaire
for circuit leaders | Questionnaire
for local church leaders
For more information, please contact Ella
Sibley-Ryan, Mission Team Projects Officer.
Habits Retreat
4-6 March 2022 at Cliff College
The call to Christian discipleship is a call to adventure. Holy
Habits explores this adventure through a rich mix of biblical
material and inspiring stories. This weekend retreat from Cliff
College is led by the author of Holy Habits, Andrew Roberts, and
will include devotions, conversations, creative activities and
space for personal reflection. Read
more and book here.
Pilgrimage: Easter 2022
Easter this year by joining a small Pilgrim Community sharing
life together as we travel through beautiful Shropshire
Countryside (subject to COVID restrictions at the time).
We’ll be using a route tried and tested in 2019, staying
overnight at churches in Church Stretton, Stiperstones, Bishop’s
Castle, Clun, Craven Arms and Ludlow.
Begins Easter Monday 18th April. Arrives Ludlow 23rd April
with invitation to stay and lead worship together on Sunday 24th
Up to around 10 miles walking per day on footpaths with some
stiles. Very steady pace!
Accommodation is on church floors but with support vehicles to
transport luggage and bedding of your choice. Catering will
be done communally. Over 18’s only for overnight stays, but
day walkers will be welcome.
Suggested contribution £110 pp to cover food and transport but
means to pay should not be exclusive.
To show an interest and for more information please contact the
District Office:
Youth Event
Birmingham and Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury districts are working
together to put on a residential event for our young people
called Amplify. Following the success of 2020's event, we are so
excited to get our young people back together again.
Held over the weekend of the 11th-13th March, young people will
gather, with their leaders, at the Pioneer Centre in Cleobury
Mortimer for outdoor activities, worship, games and Bible study
as well as informal times of fellowship to build friendships
around the Districts.
The cost has been subsidised by the Districts, costing £80 for
young people and £20 for leaders, to include all accommodation,
activities and food for the weekend.
In order to book on to this exciting event, leaders or parents
will need to use this eventbrite link to book.
using this system, the cost is taken up front, although
alternative arrangements will be put in place if this is not
possible, so please do encourage any young people in your
circuits to be involved.
If you want to be involved with the planning of the weekend, or
have people in your churches who are particularly passionate
about this work with young people, then please don't hesitate to
be in touch with Melody Jones (
- the more varied this group, the better!
Thank you so much
'22 Methodist Conference Volunteers Needed

Support Fund
The above fund has been available to access for about 18 months
now and I would encourage more applicants to support the young
and disadvantaged children from our District. As we are now
coming out of the pandemic I am sure Churches are looking at what
new activities they might be able to run and this fund may be
able to help. There is a ceiling of £500 and applications need to
made on the attached form
and emailed to Tim Lorimer @
Some examples of activities we have supported are:
Kingswinford. Purchase of Lego sets for their Full of Spirits
St John's Bloxwich. Support for School meals
Fallings Park, Stationary bags to support prayer spaces for
Stafford. Tablets to help in school work
Beckminster. Christingle Bags
Aldridge. Support for their ECO warriors project
Bourne Methodists. Support for newly formed Dads and
Children's Saturday club
Cole Street.. Working with Safer Families Charity providing
activities for Children
Should anyone want more details of these projects please send me
an email.