New this week:
Prayers for Ukraine and all involved in the conflict
All We Can Ukraine Relief Fund
Fair Trade Pop up shop
Learning and Development Events
Discipleship Today - being and Doing
Wesley to the World
case you missed it:
Trauma-informed Ministry in a Time of COVID
Family Worker Job Advert
Conference Volunteers URGENTLY needed
Living Springs Chief Officer Job Advert
MWiB and District needs a new President
Lay Ministry Vocational Discernment
Evangelism and Growth Webinar
JPIT Conference 2022
3Generate 2022
Stationing Training
District Pilgrimage Easter 2022
Amplify Youth Event
Children's Support Fund
free phone line to hear prayers : 0808 281 2514 Methodist News :
0808 281 2478
Prayers for Ukraine and all involved in the
the District, prayers are being offered for an end to the Russian
invasion of Ukraine and for all people caught up in this war,
which neither the people of Ukraine nor Russia want.
We begin this mailing with a link to a video made by Rev’d Nicola
Vidamour shortly before the invasion began. Nicola was a
mission partner in Russia from 2003-2009 and last visited Ukraine
in 2018. The sound track is a song performed by Methodists
from Ukraine and Moldova. It’s a prayer for Ukraine in
peaceful times, which is even more poignant now. The words
of the chorus are in the video.
All We Can Ukraine Relief Fund
All We
Can - the Methodist Relief and Development Charity - is working
together with the Global Relationships Team of the Methodist
Church in Britain to provide critical humanitarian assistance to
communities facing violence, upheaval and the trauma of war.
If you want to do something to help Ukrainians, here's one
possible route
Fair Trade pop up shop in Wolverhampton

Coming soon - Wolverhampton Fair Traid will be opening
another pop-up shop in the Mander Centre, Wolverhampton on
Saturday, 12th March: opening hours:- 10.00 am - 5.00 pm,
Mondays - Saturdays. We will remain open until
Saturday, 23rd April.
You will find us next to the YMCA shop in the Victoria
Arcade - the passage leading from Beatties into Mander
Square itself. Looking for Mothers' Day gifts? We will have
plenty of ideas for you. Easter eggs, cards and decorations will
also be available.
We look forward to seeing you.
Further details from Brenda Shuttleworth:
Learning and Development Events
Over the
last Connexional Year, there has been a shift in the way that the
Learning Network have been organising and running events. We are
increasingly working cross regionally, often in partnership with
colleagues from other Connexional teams (such as Evangelism and
Growth), to host online events and webinars which are open to
anyone who wishes to book in via the Eventbrite link provided. We
will of course still continue to run some training and
development events regionally; for example, Advanced
Safeguarding, and regional support and community of practice
groups, such as the one for WLP tutors and mentors.
To avoid
sending out multiple emails, I have tried to gather all of the
events that I am currently aware of into this one newsletter.
I’ve grouped events by topic, rather than date, since some are
either ongoing or held on multiple dates. Please do share and
distribute this to all who may find it helpful. I’ve kept the
formatting as simple as possible to allow you to cut and paste
the information into your own newsletters, or copy and share
individual events with those you particularly want to encourage to
attend. Any queries or questions about specific events should be
addressed to the event organizer, not the LN West Midlands team.
will continue to be advertised via our Learning Network West
Midlands Facebook page, and Connexional social media and newsletters.
Kerry ( ) , February 2022
and Development Opportunities
you like to train as a Mental Health First Aider? This is a
vital skill to support people in our churches and local
communities during these challenging times.
At present this is primarily an online course - with four
sessions plus a need to complete self-learning at home
for which materials will be provided. You must
attend all sessions to qualify. Maximum 16
per course.
Cost is £50 per person (payable with booking
and non-refundable) - this is being heavily subsidised for
Methodists from the £300 per person fee usually charged by MHFA
England. Book by clicking the link below or (if having
difficulties with link) by emailing Howard Wilson –
Course 1 - 8, 10, 22, 24 March 14:00-16:30
book here
Course A - 15,17, 22,24 March 09:30-12:00 book
Course 2 - 15, 17, 29,31 March 19:00-21:30
book here
Course B - 29,31 March, 5,7 April 12:30-15:00
book here
Course C - 26,28 April, 3,5 May 12:30-15:00
book here
Course D - 21,23,28,30 June 09:30-12:00 book here
Please note: Having booked via Eventbrite you must
then use the link on the booking email to register your place
on the MHFA website to receive your materials.
- Re-imagining
26 April 9.30-4.30, Cliff College.
Are you interested in exploring how to bring intentional
discipleship growth into your community? Would you value space
and time for reflection and conversations with others asking
the same questions you are? Join Andy Fishburne and Abi Jarvis
for a day at Cliff College, exploring how ideas like
discipleship pathways and A Methodist Way of Life can help us
to re-engineer our churches to grow in discipleship together.
Register your free place: Register here.
- Circuit Stewards
dates, on zoom.
This four -session course will be offered twice in 2022. The
sessions are based on the material available on the Stewards
pages of the Methodist website. Sessions will run from 7 till 9
9th March: Calling and Role of the Circuit Steward
16th March: Distinctively Methodist
23th March: Positive Working Together
30th March: Continuing to Learn
The second course will be run on the following dates:
14th, 21st, 28th June & 5th July
To book –
4. Social Justice and
Evangelism Webinar Wednesday 6th April 7-8pm, on
Communities who have struggled for the last decade have been hit
by the pandemic and now face rising costs. This session aims to
look at how communities are being affected, who is likely to need
support and what we as churches and Christians can do to be part
of positive change.
Speaker: Paul
by: Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins
- Rural and Rooted:
Being a church without a building
29th March at 7pm, on zoom.
How might being church without a building look in
your local community? Come and join a conversation on zoom hosted
by: Dave Friswell LN, Yas Finch District Missioner, with Andy
Fishburne and Sarah Hulme from the Evangelism and Growth team.
All welcome from across the Connexion, but this is aimed at
people looking to pioneer/ reimagine small rooted church in their
rural communities.
Register here
- Bible Month
dates, on zoom
Bible Month is an annual campaign celebrating scripture by
inviting the whole Methodist Connexion to feast on one particular
book of the Bible together. In 2022 we will be exploring the book
of Isaiah. There are a range of events to help you prepare (and
don't forget to order your Isaiah
reading guide).
9 March - Small group leadership
19 March - Local preachers and worship leaders
23 March - Reading the Bible with young people Visit the
Bible Month page to find out more, book
your place at preparation events on Eventbrite, and
check out the Engage and Explore events in June below.
7. Divine Online – the monthly meetup for digital
practitioners Monthly, on zoom
Are you working in a digital field or interested in how digital
is shaping the church? Want to learn more about digital theology
and finding God online? This monthly meet up is facilitated by
Fiona Fidgin, Digital Training Officer for the Methodist Church.
Meeting monthly on the second Wednesday of each month 2pm –
3.15pm starting Feb 9th. Come and join in the
learning and the conversation. Sign up here to register:
- Positive Working
Together: Bullying and Harassment
dates, on zoom
training dates for Positive Working Together courses
(including Growing
through Change and Conflict, and Scripture,
Spirituality and Conflict) please visit the following
webpage and scroll down until you see the section on training
dates for 2022.
- Beginning a
Church at the Margins: A 3 session interactive online course
dates, on zoom
Aim of
the course: A space to think about connecting and
becoming a community of new Christians amongst and led by people
experiencing poverty.
For: People
who are passionate about their community with very little or no
experience of this kind of work. Whilst you can attend alone
ideally, we would like you to join as a team (you plus one other
person from your church or circuit) to share in conversation
together (if you are an experienced pioneer drop us an email for
more information).
session in the course builds on the previous session, so you need
to be available to attend all three sessions. The sessions are
designed to be interactive rather than formal presentations and
will not be recorded. This course is open to all across the
connexion (not just West Midlands)
by: Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer
and Kerry Scarlett, Regional Learning and Development Officer
To book:
please click the links (in blue) below, or go to
and click the links in red beside the dates you wish to attend.
First Course
15th March 7-9pm: Session One:
Creating connections and spaces where people truly encounter one
29th March 7-9pm: Session Two:
Nurturing communities in which people with lived experience of
poverty are recognised as the experts
12th April 7-9pm: Session Three:
Sharing the gospel and seeing transformation as people grow in
faith and challenge injustice.
course will be repeated on the following dates:
8th June 7-9pm: Session One:
Creating connections and spaces where people truly encounter one
22nd June7-9pm: Session Two:
Nurturing communities in which people with lived experience of
poverty are recognised as the experts
13th July7-9pm: Session Three:
Sharing the gospel and seeing transformation as people grow in
faith and challenge injustice.
If you would be interested in attending this course over two days
face to face at Cliff College, please email:
Resources for use at Local Church/ Circuit level.
with Micah “Justice Conversations
These conversations are an invitation to anyone involved in the
life of Methodist churches and communities to have a conversation
about what a just world looks like, and to feedback their answers
to the project. The answers will help shape the Methodist Church’s
work to tackle injustice.
Local Justice Conversations can take any shape or form, but it’s
hoped that people will encounter three things:
- Listening to
experiences of injustice
- Exploring where
God is
- Reflecting on
what a just world looks like.
There are lots of tools
available on the Walking with Micah website to support
conversations – from worship resources, to guided conversations,
to intergenerational ideas and craftivist sessions. This 12
minute film, Speaking from Experience,
in which people with particular experiences of injustice describe
what a just world looks like to them.
You can find out more about the Justice Conversations here.
At the end of a Conversation, groups are encouraged to feedback
their answers via an e-survey. Postcards are also available
where people do not meet as a group. Feedback from this
phase of the project will be looked along with resources from
other phases
to work towards the Conference report in 2023.
Discipleship Today - being and doing: Day
Conference 7th May
lay and clergy are welcome to discover more about being a
disciple of Jesus Christ at this day conference.
This joint
day conference between Lichfield Diocese and
Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury Methodist District on 7th
May 2022 features keynote speaker Revd Roger Walton.
There will be worship, Bible study and workshops in which to
reflect on different aspects of discipleship including joy, rule
of life, forgiveness and change. It will be held at Yarnfield
Park Conference Centre near Stone ST15 0NL between 10 and 4pm.
The cost is £20 including tea, coffee and a choice of lunch from
a quality menu.
Bishop Michael and the Revd Rachel Parkinson, Chair of
Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury Methodist District are taking
part. The workshops are being led by Revd Andrew Roberts, Dr
Lindsey Hall, Revd Prebendary Helen Morby and Revd Roger Walton.
Bookings are being taken now. For more information visit the website or
contact John Underhill on 07936 300297 or
Wesley to the World - International
international symposium via zoom, celebrating valued foundations
and addressing urgent challenges of our world.
the past one hundred years, students and staff of Wesley House
have generated theological scholarship and cultivated
relationships that have impacted the thought and practice of the
church worldwide. In this symposium we gather global Methodist
scholars and practitioners to explore the foundations of our
collaboration in God’s work in the world—a theological legacy. We
also identify the contemporary challenges of the day to which we
need to speak and into which we need to live around the world—a
contemporary calling.
can register for this free event here -
Click here
for more information.
Trauma-informed Ministry in a Time of COVID

4th May 2022, 9.30am till 1pm on Zoom
Last year the District offered two repeat sessions of this half
day course run by the Tragedy
and Congregations Team. It was found to be very
helpful by those who attended and so now - as we reach a
different stage of the pandemic - we are offering a further
The course is designed for those in ordained ministry and will be
delivered by the Rev’d Hilary Ison. It offers opportunities
• articulate experience of the COVID crisis
• make connections between these reactions and trauma theory
• explore the dynamics of communities after a tragedy
• look at biblical resources for addressing our current
Numbers are limited to 12. To book your place on one of
these please contact Richard in the District Office
Priority is given to presbyters and deacons on the
stations and Supernumeraries with oversight of
Conference Volunteers URGENTLY needed

MWiB and District looking for a new

Women in Britain is a
self-financing volunteer-run charity within the Methodist Church
and member of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting
Church Women. We are passionate about women, about justice and
about Christ. By connecting women from within and beyond the
Methodist Church, we equip them to participate more fully in
their communities. We are proud that our fundraising has raised
over £3 million since we began in 2011. Our exciting plans for
the future need a President prepared to guide and shape the
movement as it moves forward.
Are you the person we need?
The four year appointment starts in September 2022 and it is
possible, with suitable candidates, that this could be covered by
two women as a job share.
You do not need any prior knowledge of Methodist Women in Britain
as the first year is spent shadowing the current President. You
will have the support of an Executive team, a board of trustees,
and a network of Methodist women’s groups across the country. All
reasonable expenses are paid. Experience of leading meetings,
public speaking and good organising and IT skills are essential.
It is a home-based role and you will hold meetings online and
travel around Britain representing the charity, you will have the
opportunity to visit one overseas partner organisation during
your term of office.
Closing date for applications: 6 March 2022
Interviews (including a short presentation) will be held on Zoom:
w/c 25
April 2022
For an informal chat about the role then please contact the
current President Ruth Parrott
The District are also looking for a new President and anyone
interested can find out further details of the job role and
application form by contacting Pauline, the current District
President at (
The new closing date for the District appointment is 6 March 2022
with interviews to be held on Zoom w/c 25 April 2022.
Lay Ministry Vocational Discernment
reminder that Jo Yair is available for vocational discernment and
support around lay ministry.
Please contact Jo Yair for an informal conversation if you are
hearing of or sensing a nudge from God for either yourself, a
team, or church member.
Yair l
+44 (0)7535 152548
+44 (0)1902 658383
JPIT Conference 2022
Saturday 11 June 2022 – Online and in London
for JPIT’s next conference are now available. ‘From the Ground
Up: Unearthing Hope and Seeking Justice’ will explore how we can
listen to our communities and amplify local voices to bring about
change. Attendees will be able to join either online, or in
London at Oasis Hub Waterloo.
We want to make the conference as accessible as possible, so
tickets are free for anyone on a low income or aged under 25. To
help bring together as many people as possible, it would be great
if you could encourage church leaders in your area to consider if
they could bring to the conference…
• Someone
who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it
• Someone
they have identified as a lay leader in the community
• Someone
aged between 16-25
• A
member of staff who can carry ideas back to their wider team
Further information about the Conference including how to book
tickets is available here:
If you have any questions, do get in touch with Hannah Brown ( –
we would be delighted to see you there.
3Generate 2022
delighted to let you know that 3Generate, the Methodist children
and youth assembly, will be taking place at the NEC in Birmingham
again: the dates are Friday
30th September to Sunday 2nd October 2022. Tickets go on sale
from 1st April
to 31st July so groups can
register and book tickets during this period but payment isn’t
required until the first week of September 2022. More information
can be found here.
Stationing Training 2022
the positive response to online training sessions last year,
training in Stationing processes will once again be held online
and broken down into separate sections. The training will be
conducted by the Chair and the District Lay Stationing Rep.
Ministers and Circuits expected to be involved in stationing will
receive individual notification of these sessions. The
training is for ministers, spouses/partners,
Superintendents and Circuit Stewards involved in
reviews or moves. Training on the process for re-invitation
would also be very helpful for any other people, such as Church
Stewards, who may play a part in the review process.
Thursday 5th May: An introduction to the
Stationing Process*
Monday 23rd May: The re-invitation
Tuesday 24 May: New appointments
Tuesday 24 May: New appointments
(Circuit Invitation Committee)
*NB the District Policy Committee previously arranged for that
date is being postponed due to other factors)
Pilgrimage: Easter 2022
Easter this year by joining a small Pilgrim Community sharing
life together as we travel through beautiful Shropshire
Countryside (subject to COVID restrictions at the time).
We’ll be using a route tried and tested in 2019, staying
overnight at churches in Church Stretton, Stiperstones, Bishop’s
Castle, Clun, Craven Arms and Ludlow.
Begins Easter Monday 18th April. Arrives Ludlow 23rd April
with invitation to stay and lead worship together on Sunday 24th
Up to around 10 miles walking per day on footpaths with some
stiles. Very steady pace!
Accommodation is on church floors but with support vehicles to
transport luggage and bedding of your choice. Catering will
be done communally. Over 18’s only for overnight stays, but
day walkers will be welcome.
Suggested contribution £110 pp to cover food and transport but
means to pay should not be exclusive.
To show an interest and for more information please contact the
District Office:
Youth Event
Birmingham and Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury districts are working
together to put on a residential event for our young people
called Amplify. Following the success of 2020's event, we are so
excited to get our young people back together again.
Held over the weekend of the 11th-13th March, young people will
gather, with their leaders, at the Pioneer Centre in Cleobury
Mortimer for outdoor activities, worship, games and Bible study
as well as informal times of fellowship to build friendships
around the Districts.
The cost has been subsidised by the Districts, costing £80 for
young people and £20 for leaders, to include all accommodation,
activities and food for the weekend.
In order to book on to this exciting event, leaders or parents
will need to use this eventbrite link to book.
using this system, the cost is taken up front, although
alternative arrangements will be put in place if this is not
possible, so please do encourage any young people in your
circuits to be involved.
If you want to be involved with the planning of the weekend, or
have people in your churches who are particularly passionate
about this work with young people, then please don't hesitate to
be in touch with Melody Jones (
- the more varied this group, the better!
Thank you so much
Support Fund
The above fund has been available to access for about 18 months
now and I would encourage more applicants to support the young
and disadvantaged children from our District. As we are now
coming out of the pandemic I am sure Churches are looking at what
new activities they might be able to run and this fund may be
able to help. There is a ceiling of £500 and applications need to
made on the attached form
and emailed to Tim Lorimer @
Some examples of activities we have supported are:
Kingswinford. Purchase of Lego sets for their Full of Spirits
St John's Bloxwich. Support for School meals
Fallings Park, Stationary bags to support prayer spaces for
Stafford. Tablets to help in school work
Beckminster. Christingle Bags
Aldridge. Support for their ECO warriors project
Bourne Methodists. Support for newly formed Dads and
Children's Saturday club
Cole Street.. Working with Safer Families Charity providing
activities for Children
Should anyone want more details of these projects please send me
an email.