New this week:
Can you give a home to Wesley's Chair?
The Conference Fringe
Testimony Service for Revd. George Heinz
Methodist Conference Parkrun
Volunteers sought for SAC
Moira Simpson's Funeral details
Holding Crosses offer
Exciting New Job Opportunity
Bridgnorth Coffee Morning
BEM Congratulations
In case you
missed it:
Funding for Higher Education
District Youth Event
Battle of Waterloo Model Scenes
Pastoral Worker Required
Unconscious Bias Training
Learning and Development
3Generate 2022
free phone line to hear prayers : 0808 281 2514 Methodist News :
0808 281 2478
Can you give a home to Wesley's Chair?!
You may
be aware that Methodist Church House inn London is closing, with
the Connexional Team moving to a temporary venue before finally
re-locating. Given that the Conference will be held in
either Telford or Birmingham in the next few years, storage is sought
in the West Midlands for items used only at Conference, such as
Wesley’s Chair, which the President and Vice-President use when
chairing the business.
The current storage area used is 4m x 1.8m. Do you have a
room of at least this size in one of your premises that might be
used to store these items which are important to the life of the
If you know of any possibilities, please contact the District
The Conference Fringe
Fringe events organised around the Methodist Conference are open
to all and provide an excellent opportunity for the District to
access some wonderful events, all held within the Telford
International Centre.
Some of the highlights include:
24th June 7.30pm. The MWiB Mary Bosanquet Lecture.
Dr Paula Gooder theologian, lecturer in Biblical Studies, author,
and Chancellor of St. Paul's cathedral will deliver a lecture
entitled 'Reading between the Lines': finding women in the
stories of the bible even when it looks like they are not
27th June 8pm. JPIT presents the Beckly Lecture for 2022
Rt Hon Lord Boateng: “Britain: Global Power or Good Neighbour?”
28th June 7pm “Justice and Peace for Palestine and Israel”
organised by Sabeel-Kairos (at Meeting Point House)
28th June Methodist Church Global Relationships
Climate Change in Context: Bible Study from Different Global
The full Fringe agenda is here:
Please note that most events need to be booked online
Testimony Service for Revd. George Heinz
Methodist Conference Parkrun
Volunteers sought for Connexional Stationing
Advisory Committee
Stationing Advisory Committee is appointed by the Conference to
meet with Presbyters and Deacons who:
• want/feel called to do something other than serve in
Circuit, District or Connexional Team appointments.
• are serving in something other than Circuit, District or
Connexional Team appointments and who want/feel called to
return to a Circuit, District or Connexional Team appointment.
• want to have a conversation with sympathetic, experienced
people who are not a part of their “management structure”
about how their ministry might develop.
Most of the work takes place on Zoom. For a full outline of
responsibilities please see here. For an application form
please see here.
Expressions of interest are invited from the ordained, but
also especially lay people.
Further information can be found here.
Moira Simpson's Funeral details
funeral of Miss Moira Simpson which will take place on
Tuesday 14th June at St John’s Church, Victoria Avenue,
Bloxwich WS3 3HS at 2:00pm
It will be live streamed on 14th June 2022: 2:00pm from St
John’s, Bloxwich
The live stream can also be found on the 'Brownhills and
Willenhall Methodist Circuit’ YouTube channel home page.
Olive Wood Holding Crosses from Bethlehem
A few
years ago the District ordered a stock of small holding crosses
direct from the shop of Joseph Tabesh near the Milk Grotto in
Bethlehem. Liz Dunning, of the Brownhills & Willenhall
Circuit, is about to order some more and is willing to collect
other orders. The price is likely to be between £1.29 and
£1.45 per cross (this includes cost of postage; crosses are £1
each) depending on the quantities ordered and resulting
postage. There will be an additional cost for the onward postage
to you. Hopefully we should receive them before the end of the
If you would like to place an order, please contact Liz direct by
Saturday 25th June. or
01922 445802
New Exciting Job opportunity
and Shrewsbury and Birmingham District are looking to employ a
Congregational and Community Organiser in this exciting new
This 2
year, full-time role is part of a Congregational and Community
Organising pilot project, working across both Districts,
beginning September 2022.
Organiser will work with local Methodist congregations who are
actively seeking to develop both as a congregation and in how
they engage with the community around them.
Salary in the range of £29 – 31k per annum depending on
qualifications and experience.
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 it is a genuine
occupational requirement that the post holder is a practicing
Completed Application and Monitoring forms to be emailed to by
noon on Monday 27th June.
Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by 5pm on Tuesday 5th
Interviews will be held on Wednesday 13th July at
Beckminster Methodist Church, Wolverhampton.
For more information please contact Kerry:
Please find below the link to the job description and person
specification as well as the application form.
— Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury Methodist District
Coffee Morning in Bridgnorth
The July
coffee morning at Cartway Methodist church in Bridgnorth on the
first Saturday in July is for Highley companions which is a group
which meets twice monthly for people experiencing memory loss
I would appreciate any donations of raffle prizes if you
are able to donate any raffle prizes please email me on or
text or phone me on 077544811130.
I hope this will be a good coffee morning to support such a
worthy cause
BEM Congratulations
to Sharon Jackson from the Walsall Methodist
Circuit following the announcement that she has been
awarded a BEM in the queen's birthday honours list for public
service as a Windrush compensation scheme volunteer.
Congratulations Sharon.
Revd Rachel Wood
Funding for Higher Education
District Youth Event
We are
very excited to share with you that we are having a gathering for
the young people of our district on Sunday 17 July in the
afternoon. The final details are yet to be worked out but there
will be games, chat, fun and food. The event is aimed at 11–18-year-olds.
It promises to be a great afternoon so please let your young
people know so they can save the date!
For more information, please contact Melody Jones, District
Ambassador for children and young people, at
Battle of Waterloo Model Scenes

18th June 2022
Methodist Church,
Lane, Walsall, WS3 1RF

Any queries contact Andrew
Or call 01922 628723
and Coffee Available
donations received will go to Alzheimer’s Research UK
Pastoral Worker required
Opportunity: Pastoral Worker
Walsall Methodist Circuit
Date: 20th June 2022
£9.90PH – 12 hours a week - 3 year fixed term contract (due to
Walsall Methodist Circuit is looking for a part time worker to
support pastoral care within the circuit. We are looking
for someone who:
- Has had
experience of working with people of variety of ages.
- Is a good
- Is able to
provide practical and spiritual support such as prayer,
bible study and if needed, and with training offer extended
- Is adaptable to
working on their own initiative and as part of a team.
- Is organised and
- Can be flexible
with working hours, taking into account the needs of the
- There is a
genuine need for the applicant to be a Christian.
Date: W/C
27th June 2022
To request a detailed job description, person specification and
application form, or for any further details, please contact
Cherish Taylor at
or Revd Rachel Wood on 01922 628723. Please note CV’s will not be
The appointment will be subject to references and an enhanced DBS
Learning and Development Events
As I’m
sure you’re aware, all of Reflective Supervision CPD Courses are
now available online.
These courses are delivered by colleagues across the Network, the
wider Connexional Team, ministers in Circuit and external
trainers. Some are even written (and will be delivered) by your
good selves.
The courses are listed at:
These short courses will be repeated and added to over the coming
The LN Calendar will be updated with new learning opportunities
regularly, so make sure you make a habit of checking back using
the link: (the posterboard or tile view may be the most useful to
get a sense of what’s available)
and Development Events (
Here are a few upcoming courses:
and Development Opportunities
you like to train as a Mental Health First Aider? This is a
vital skill to support people in our churches and local
communities during these challenging times.
At present this is primarily an online course - with four
sessions plus a need to complete self-learning at home
for which materials will be provided. You must
attend all sessions to qualify. Maximum 16
per course.
Cost is £50 per person (payable with booking
and non-refundable) - this is being heavily subsidised for
Methodists from the £300 per person fee usually charged by MHFA
England. Book by clicking the link below or (if having
difficulties with link) by emailing Howard Wilson –
Course D - 21,23,28,30 June 09:30-12:00 book here
Please note: Having booked via Eventbrite you must
then use the link on the booking email to register your place
on the MHFA website to receive your materials.
Circuit Stewards Training Various dates, on
This four -session course will be offered twice in 2022. The
sessions are based on the material available on the Stewards
pages of the Methodist website. Sessions will run from 7 till 9
14th, 21st, 28th June & 5th July
To book –
Beginning a Church at the Margins: A 3 session interactive online
course Various
dates, on zoom
Aim of
the course: A space to think about connecting and
becoming a community of new Christians amongst and led by people
experiencing poverty.
For: People
who are passionate about their community with very little or no
experience of this kind of work. Whilst you can attend alone
ideally, we would like you to join as a team (you plus one other
person from your church or circuit) to share in conversation
together (if you are an experienced pioneer drop us an email for
more information).
session in the course builds on the previous session, so you need
to be available to attend all three sessions. The sessions are
designed to be interactive rather than formal presentations and
will not be recorded. This course is open to all across the
connexion (not just West Midlands)
by: Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer
and Kerry Scarlett, Regional Learning and Development Officer
book: please click the links (in blue) below, or
go to
and click the links in red beside the dates you wish to attend.
8th June 7-9pm: Session One:
Creating connections and spaces where people truly encounter one
22nd June7-9pm: Session Two:
Nurturing communities in which people with lived experience of
poverty are recognised as the experts
13th July7-9pm: Session Three:
Sharing the gospel and seeing transformation as people grow in
faith and challenge injustice.
If you would be interested in attending this course over two days
face to face at Cliff College, please email:
3Generate 2022
delighted to let you know that 3Generate, the Methodist children
and youth assembly, will be taking place at the NEC in Birmingham
again: the dates are Friday
30th September to Sunday 2nd October 2022. Tickets go on sale
from 1st April
to 31st July so groups can
register and book tickets during this period but payment isn’t
required until the first week of September 2022. More information
can be found here.