New this week:
Belated Welcomes
Warm Places
Synod Talk online
Cafe Manager Required
In case you
missed it:
Your District needs you!
Property Training Event
Journey of the Magi
Evangelism Gatherings
Supervision Courses - with links
Learning and Development Events
Wellbeing Resources
Tom Elliott Event - new date
Children's Support Fund
free phone line to hear prayers : 0808 281 2514 Methodist News :
0808 281 2478
Belated Welcomes
to Revd. Juliet Kisob who joins the Black Country Circuit
and was omitted from last week's welcome message. And also
Revd Phil Thomas who sits down within the District.
We continue to pray that those named above, and all others who
have moved into the District, will find this a good place to put
down roots and to grow and flourish.
Warm Spaces
churches will be aware of the cost-of-living and energy crisis
facing households this winter and will want to respond. For
the majority of churches that response may take the form of
prayer, listening and conversation. However some will want to
explore offering their building as a “warm space”, perhaps in
partnership with other local community groups.
The Connexional Team have drawn together lots of information
The District Resourcing Mission Committee, meeting on 18th
October, will be looking at how “warm spaces” may be financially
supported using money from the District Advance Fund.
Synod talk link
Our main
speaker was the Rev’d Al Barrett, an Anglican priest serving
an LEP in Hodge Hill, East Birmingham. Al is co-author with
Ruth Harley of the book “Being Interrupted: Re-imagining the
Church’s mission from the outside, in”. His talk can be
found by clicking on the link below:

Cafe Manager Required
This is
an exciting opportunity for a talented individual to further
develop the Community Café situated in the heart of Bloxwich at
St John’s Methodist Church and Centre. The aims of this inclusive
community project is to support the work carried out by church/
other groups. We are hoping to develop areas such; as dementia
café, schemes to help people back into work, inclusive
employment, training and work experience opportunities.
This position will be very much “hands-on” in preparation and
serving food, with help from a small group of volunteers and paid
The successful candidate will be responsible for all aspects of
kitchen management; managing staff and volunteers, customer
service, team leading, stock maintenance, ordering, shopping ,
achieving a 5* hygiene rating (needs to have Level 3 Food
Hygiene) and Knowledge of food allergens and intolerances.
Initially, the role will be 24 hours over a 4-day week with the
intention to increase these hours and to build a team (according
to demand) over the next two-year period. Some flexibility will
be required.
Salary in the range £20,647 - £23,071 (pro-rata) dependant on
qualifications and experience.
For more information, and an application form, please contact Jem
Hawkins on:
Telephone: 01543
The closing date for applications is Saturday 24th
September at midnight, with interviews being carried out during
the week commencing on 26th September 2021.
This post is partly funded by the National Lottery Community
St John’s Methodist Church is a Disability Aware employer
Registered Charity Number 1128201
St John’s Methodist Church, Victoria Avenue, Bloxwich WS3 3HS
Your District needs you!
We are
still searching for a Secretary to Synod to take over from Andrew
Beattie, who has valiantly agreed to continue until someone comes
forward. If you are unsure about what the role entails or would
like to find out more (or even volunteer!) please message Andrew
Beattie on
This is a voluntary position but assistance would be offered by
the District Administrator. We would be delighted to hear from
Journey of the Magi
festive, light-hearted, joyful event with a moving and profound
Share the joy and wonder of Christmas with your church and local
community through this exhilarating, critically acclaimed
performance. The show offers a bridge between contemporary life
and Jesus’s birth, comparing our own personal journey to
Christmas day with the journey that the wise men took. With
sparkle and songs to keep the children entertained and bags of
good humour for the grown-ups, Journey of the Magi delights
audiences of all ages and offers a chance to reflect and refocus.
fabulous show. Wonderful mix of fun, wit, and meaning. It made me
laugh and it made me cry all in a couple of minutes. (Hope you'll
come back.)” Richard, Poynton Methodist
Springs is inviting churches to host a performance of Journey of the Magi,
which will be available nationally during Advent 2022.
Further information can be found on the Springs Dance Company
website page,
by emailing
or by calling 07876 752 910

I am
privileged to work for DFN UK helping bring dignity, freedom and
hope to poor and marginalised people of South Asia. In
partnership with OMIF (Operation Mercy India Foundation) our
programmes reach thousands of disenfranchised people annually. We
strive to live out Isaiah 61:1 with integrity by providing
Education, Healthcare, Economic Empowerment and Community
Development particularly to those on the fringes of society. Our
work is led and directed by Asian staff to maximise the impact on
communities while maintaining cultural integrity. We serve people
of any or no religious background, and particularly serve
outcaste women and girls who often face the additional burdens of
gender discrimination and exploitation. More information on our
Based in Stafford, our local colleagues would love the
opportunity to raise awareness, among your members and attendees,
of our work. We have experienced staff suited to addressing main
Sunday congregations, as well as colleagues who could speak to
mid-week meetings, women’s groups, men’s groups, to teens and
children’s work. Please do let me know if you’d like to pursue
this, or whether you need any further information, thank you. We
could easily visit to discuss any requirements with you, should
you so wish.
Janet Carleton Partner
UK, PO Box 3560, Stafford ST16 9QP
Wellbeing Resources
Wellbeing Toolkit
The opportunity to develop and use new skills is a key aspect of
our whole life, both at work and at home. Our wellbeing is
promoted if we are able to do this in a positive way. In work
this might involve updating our knowledge about a particular
subject, or learning how to increase our competence in specific
tasks, perhaps ones that we find challenging.
It is also important that we keep our minds open and enquiring,
and pursue new interests - both within and outside work. This
approach stops our mental processes from stagnating and helps us
to develop emotional resilience. Check out he Wellbeing Toolkit:
toolkit (
Positive Working Together
Within the church we believe that everyone should be enabled to
flourish, to become the people whom God created them to be.
Promoting positive working relationships is a key part of
enabling individuals and communities to flourish.
Starting from a distinctively Christian standpoint creates an
opportunity for individuals associated with the Church to behave
in a manner which models the very highest standards of human
interaction and relationships. On an everyday basis high
standards of behaviour require attention to
how individuals communicate with each other,
how people are treated, how information is managed and shared and
how difference is understood and embraced.
Positive Working Together encourages us to reflect on the
importance of the way in which we engage and interact with each
other within the life of the church and the wider community.
Positive Working Together is the job of everybody in the Church
and the resources found on these pages aim to help everybody play
their part.
Positive Working Together (
and Development Events Calendar
This calendar shows Learning and Development events all across
the Connexion. You can change from Month view to Map view to see
events happening near you, or use the Tags drop-down menu to find
events in your region. So, whether you're looking for
safeguarding training, vocations exploration days or Bible month
events, you can find exactly what you
and Development Events (
advice and information
If you would like to discuss any wellbeing issue please
contact Linda Robotham, Wellbeing Adviser on
or 020 7467 5192.
Tom Elliott Event - new date

note that the postponed Tom Elliott event will take
place on September 24 September 7.30pm, at Trinity
Methodist Church, Codsall. Tom is one of the UK’s most exciting
comedy magicians, touring throughout the year, whilst also being
founder of ‘Our Centre Stage’, a network of nationwide community
arts projects coming in 2022. However, the majority of his
gigs aren't in comedy clubs or theatres, they are in churches, of
all denominations. He is a regular on what is known as the
'Christian circuit'.
committed Christian, he hopes his brand of comedy can bring
people closer to God.
described by Miranda Hart as ‘Such Fun’, Tom has
appeared on BBC TV & Radio, had a feature piece in the Times
Newspaper and received significant crowdfunding support for his
initiatives. He's also welcomed the likes of Milton
Jones & Rosemary Conley CBE onto his wellbeing
themed podcast.
Tom is
always keen to champion the goals and dreams of others, driving
him to launch the People
On A Pursuit Community, that helps people to
pursue ambitious entrepreneurial or creative goals, increase
their productivity and maintain a sense of wellbeing.
find attached a poster advertising the postponed event, together
with a link below to a small video from Tom himself. If you would
like further posters, or flyers, please contact Helen Share on or
07766 106615
here to watch a favourite routine of mine
Children's Support
is still money available from the above and if your Church is
thinking of running any Children's activities, especially with
the School holidays approaching which is traditionally the time
for holiday clubs etc then, please consider applying for a maximum
of £500. The attached application
form needs to be completed.. Any further questions
please contact Tim Lorimer on Many