Amplify Stewards Needed
you be part of our small but mighty stewarding team? If you are
passionate about young people involved in the church and want to
be a part of a great team who will be serving, listening and
engaging with them, then being an Amplify Steward is for you!
This varied role will allow you to both be blessed by and be a
blessing to our young people. Amplify takes place between 15th and
17th March 2024 at the Pioneer Centre near
Cleobury Mortimer. You can volunteer anywhere from one session to
the whole weekend. Food will be provided for the meals you are
with us for, and there is some accommodation available to stay
with us for the weekend. You can find out more information about
stewarding and apply at
Contact Charlotte
for more information. We'd love to have you on board!
Charlotte 🙂
Hambly | District Youth Coordinator
Christian Aid's Changemakers Conference
Saturday 2nd March 10.30am-1pm
Join us for our hugely popular annual conference to hear stories
from our partners in Burundi and to meet with fellow Christian
Aid supporters to help make Christian Aid Week 2024 a great
success. You can join us in 3 ways:
- Join us in person
in London
- Attend a local
‘Watch Party’ hosted by CA staff in Crewe (St Andrew’s) or
Warrington (The Outset)
- Or join online
from your own home.
The first 2 options are followed by a networking
Sign up here to attend: Changemakers
Conference: Changing the world together | Christian Aid
Christian Aid's Lent Course
Aid has joined forces for the Act on Poverty initiative with
partner organisations – including The Methodist Church, Baptist Union,
Action on Poverty and The Trussell Trust.
Over 200 churches and individuals have signed up already to put
their faith into action in the run up to a General Election.
Over six weeks, those taking part will find out more about the
reality of poverty both in their communities and around the
world, through activities designed to inspire them to take
actions such as engaging with MPs.
Each pack contains:
Guidance for a short Bible study
- Access to audio
recordings of conversations featuring anti-poverty
practitioners and activists, many with lived experience of
poverty in the UK and worldwide.
- Questions and
prompts for small group discussion.
- Inspiring videos
from churches taking practical action on poverty.
- A guide to simple
steps your church can take to advocate for change.
You can also use each pack as a standalone session to explore the
issues most relevant for you.
To find out more and If you’d like to join hundreds of others
taking action on poverty, you can sign up here: Act
on Poverty - Christian Aid
Local Arrangements Training

There will be two events held in the Telford Circuit meant to
support those asked to lead local arrangements. The event will
give ideas and support to those who find themselves having to
lead an act of worship when they are not used to doing this. It
is therefore aimed at church stewards, worship leaders,
musicians, etc. who get involved with this. The first event is
the one in Broseley mentioned on the attached on the 3rd
February from 2 – 6pm.
The second will be at Dunwell Ghanaian church in Ketley on the 17th
February from 10-2 pm. Can people bring their own lunch/tea for
these events please. Although the event has been requested by the
Telford Circuit, this is an open invitation for anyone across our
District to attend.
Circuit Stewards Training

Are you a new circuit steward, or have been one for awhile and
are looking to dive deeper in to your roles &
responsibilities and develop your skills and knowledge?
This 6
session course takes place on Monday evenings,
7-9pm, from 26th Feb-15th April, 2024. It
introduces new Circuit Stewards to expectations and
responsibilities of serving in this area of circuit leadership
and will refresh existing Circuit Stewards in their ongoing
learning and development.
Each session will offer opportunities to explore ideas and share
experiences as well as identify areas for further action, ongoing
learning and development particularly in these areas:
1: Welcome and Introduction to Circuit Stewarding
- 26th
2: Calling and Role of the Circuit Steward
- 4th
3: Distinctively Methodist - 11th March
4: Positive Working Together - 18th March
5: Continuing to Learn - 25th March
6: Mission Planning - 15th April
This event is being led by the Learning Network.
For more information, please contact Jenna Thorne (
should come to this Learning Network event?
Anyone preparing for, or who has recently started in the role of
Circuit Steward or anyone currently serving as a Circuit Steward
who would like to refresh or develop learning and share
experiences with others.
much does this event cost?
This event is free and offered as part of the Learning Network
support across the Connexion - just register and you'll receive
joining instructions for the event
How do
I book a place?
Go to Eventbrite, you can follow the link here Circuit
Stewards Training Tickets, Mon 26 Feb 2024 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
Learning & Development Officer | The Connexional
Phone: 07772979625
Calling all Spinners and Weavers!
there any spinners and weavers in the District? If so, would you
enjoy getting together for some quality spinning and weaving
time? Is there anyone who would like to learn?
Get in touch with me and let's see if we can make something
happen. I'm currently supporting 'Canuary' which is the
challenge from
'All we Can' to do as much of something as we can
in January to raise funds for a project in Liberia. I'm spinning
as much as I can!
Frances Biseker.
New Year Gathering for Church Children and
Youth Workers
Yair and Charlotte Scrivens are organising a New Year gathering
for all who work with Children and Young People in a church
context across the West Midlands. Come along to meet others,
share your ideas, and to feel refreshed as the new year starts.
Coffee and cake will be provided!
date, venue and booking, please follow the link.
Free Smaller Spaces Trees
fantastic opportunity is available to us- free trees suitable for
smaller spaces are being made available through the West Midlands
Virtual Forest. To access some free trees for planting at homes,
churches or other places, simply contact them. They can either
plant trees on your behalf, or, you can set up a hub at an
appointed time in Wolverhampton and surrounding areas for pick
up. This is a great way for churches to help care for creation,
and, you can register to follow your tree’s progress!
your trees here
your progress on the Care for Creation Facebook Page found at
New Property Handbook
Methodist Church have produced a new Property Handbook for
Property stewards which contains some helpful resources and
(almost) everything you need to know if you are in charge of a
Methodist building.
Please click here
Pastoral Worker required - Telford

April Representative Synod Date
be aware that the Spring Representative Synod will be held in
person in the Shropshire and Marches Circuit on Sat 20th April
so please save the date. More details to follow.
New District Grants Officer
delighted that, subject to confirmation of the appointment by the
District Policy Committee, Rev’d Denise Hargreaves of the
Shropshire & Marches Circuit will serve as the new District
Grants Officer working with the Resourcing Mission Committee.
The next meeting of the RMC will be on 15th February.
Denise will glad to receive applications by Wednesday 18th
Christ for All Nations 2024
2024 is a big year for CfaN so as a leader that is based in West
Midlands and surrounding area, we would like to invite you to our
Leaders Vision Breakfast for Birmingham on Saturday 10th Feb 2024
at 8.30am at The Birmingham Conference & Events Centre.
This Vision Breakfast is an invitation to church leaders to come
together and contribute significantly to Birmingham and the UK's
spiritual landscape.
Event Highlights
Visionary Talks: Engage with leaders as they discuss CfaN's past
achievements and envision the exciting future of evangelism.
Networking Opportunities: Build connections with members of the
faith community who share your dedication and passion.
Detailed Insights: Gain in-depth knowledge about CfaN's School of
Evangelism and the upcoming Gospel Campaign and opportunities.
Please find attached the link to CfaN's web page for more
Tickets are £25 per head, but as you are a leader we would like
to offer you a complimentary ticket, but places are limited, if
you require further information or to book your free ticket
please give CfaN a call on 0121 602 2000.
They are looking forward to welcoming you on the 10th February