New this week:
Easter Pilgrimage '24
Call to Ministry?
Operations Manager and Administrator needed
3Gen Volunteers Needed
Methodist Heritage Update
MWiB news
Facilities Manager required
In case you
missed it:
EDI in-person training event
Campus Administrator vacancy
Safeguarding Training for the Community from NSPCC
Cardiff Methodist Community Choir Tour
Children's Support Grant
Amplify Stewards Needed
Christian Aid Changemaker Conference
Connexional Vacancies
Local Arrangements Training
Circuit Steward Training
free phone line to hear prayers : 0808 281 2514 Methodist News :
0808 281 2478
Easter Pilgrimage
2024: 1st - 6th April

Members of both the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury and Birmingham
Districts are invited to join a “pilgrim community” of up to 12
people this Easter week on a route largely based in the Telford
Circuit. During this six day experience, we will walk, pray
and eat together and share sleeping space in a number of
Methodist Churches. Luggage (including your airbed /
camp-bed and bedding) will be transferred each day. Mileage
will be between around 8 to 10 miles, taken at a gentle pace on
rural routes that may include stiles. We share cooking
within the group.
This is now a “tried and tested” formula which has been greatly
appreciated by previous pilgrims. Being willing to be part
of a short-term community is far more important than being
super-fit, providing you can manage a modest amount of walking
over a number of consecutive days, followed by nights on a church
floor! The pilgrimage will be led by a small team of previous
pilgrims, including Rachel Parkinson, Chair of Wolverhampton
& Shrewsbury District.
If means allow, we suggest a contribution of £140 to the kitty to
cover food, accommodation and luggage transfer.
Unfortunately, the living arrangements mean we cannot include
children and young people, though they will be welcome to join us
as accompanied day walkers (details later).
The gathering point will be close to Wellington Station on the
early evening of Monday 1st April. The departure point will
be Shrewsbury Station on the late afternoon of Saturday 6th
If you are interested in joining the group this year, please
don’t delay - contact Richard Lockley in the W&S District
There will be a briefing for pilgrims on Zoom on Thursday 14th
March at 7pm
Might you be
experiencing a call to ordained ministry?

The Methodist Church has recently launched a new candidating
process. Now is the time for anyone who is beginning to
discern a call to ordained ministry to apply for ‘Discerning
Ordained Vocation 1’ (DOV1).
The application period is from January 1 to March 31.
Full information about the new process is available here:
The process begins with a period of accompanied discernment as
applicants discover God’s calling for themselves. It
involves working with an accompanist, deep discernment on a
facilitated retreat, and then meeting with an Advisory
Operations Manager and
Administrator needed
Birmingham West and Oldbury Circuit
Operations Manager & Administrator
We are looking for someone to bring management expertise and
experience to support the ministers, churches and stewards in the
day-to-day business of running the Circuit and assisting
churches. This is a part time role of 21 hours per week initially
and as there will be travel required within the Circuit, access
to a car is necessary.
For further information, please email the Rev. Dr. Nutan Suray:
3Gen Volunteers needed
for 3Generate opens today! There are plenty of different ways to
join the team and help make the event happen.
Here’s Jude Levermore sharing why volunteering matters:
Let’s share the news far and wide and encourage those we know to
get involved. And why not consider the opportunity yourself too?
Check: for
further information
Methodist Heritage
Olivia, the
Heritage & Collections Officer for the Church is working on a
new Methodist Heritage website. So she is looking for inspiring examples of
how local churches can celebrate and share our stories, historic
spaces, objects and archives, for mission and evangelism.
‘Heritage’ can be defined as anything deemed worthy of conserving
for future generations and all of our churches have stories to
tell whether they were built in the 1800s or last week. But for
the Church, we preserve our heritage as a tool for mission, not
for its own sake, such as helping to secure the future of a
historic church building for visitors to encounter our story and
our worship, organising an event or publishing a photo book to
celebrate an anniversary that explains the historic presence and
current work of a church in a community – all examples of
churches working to preserve and celebrate their heritage and
history but also use it to engage in contemporary mission.
There is a lot of great work like this happening around the
Connexion, and she
is looking for particular examples of churches that have produced
and effectively used the following for mission:
and displays: Exhibitions or displays in
churches that tell the history of the church and, hopefully, lead
on to promote the current work of that community.
Events: Events
to celebrate or mark a historic event.
Books: Books
produced by churches that document the contribution of church in
their area.
Artwork: This could be stained glass,
banners, paintings, wooden model of churches and more…
service: Model orders of service for
heritage occasions, e.g., special services that mark the
anniversary of church building, or Windrush Day / Remembrance
Sunday / International Women’s Day and more…
Website: Examples
of websites that tell a heritage story, perhaps history pages or
about particular leaders in the church who made a difference.
Tours: Churches
who offer tours of their building or local area; a great
opportunity to share who we are and what we believe.
Please contact Olivia at with
any examples and photographs.
Methodist Women in
Britain news
Women in Britain (MWiB) will be
hosting their Swanwick
Conference 2024 from
April 19th to Sunday, April 21st.
The conference theme is “Words Create Worlds”.
It will take place at The
Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick.
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to book your place and
be part of this inspiring gathering! More
information about the conference can be found on the MWiB
website. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to
connect, learn, and create meaningful conversations with fellow
However, there is the opportunity for one person from our
District to go for free if they have never been before.
Contact Liz Moore (01922 421333) before March 10th if
you are interested.
MWiB District Thanksgiving Service
A final MWiB District Thanksgiving Service is to be held at
Springdale Methodist Church, Penn WV4 4LF on Tuesday 16th April
10.30am to 3.15pm:
Service at 11 am led by Rev. Rachel Parkinson
Please bring packed lunch Drinks provided
1.30pm - Happy District Memories Please bring your stories and
Facilities Manager

(36 hours per week, may be negotiable), Permanent
We are seeking an experienced Facilities Manager to join our
Professional Services team.
The right person will have strong experience in a similar role
and have sound knowledge of statutory Health and Safety
requirements as applicable to a substantial, multi-use site which
includes residential accommodation for staff and students,
teaching and dining facilities, and office accommodation.
Working for the Campus Manager, they will take the lead in
ensuring that the Foundation’s Health and Safety policy and
procedures are in line with good practice. They will manage (and
develop as necessary) robust systems to ensure that the campus is
a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors. They will
hold either NEBOSH or an equivalent qualification.
Full details can be found on the Queen’s website at:
Manager - The Queen's Foundation (
Closing date for applications is Thursday 7th
March 2024.
EDI in-person training
You are
invited to come to an 'in person' training day for the EDI
(Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) module for the Methodist
Church, which is mandatory for many roles including ministers,
local preachers, stewards and some other roles which you can see here
on this link EDI
This module can be done online (as you will see in the link) but
we will cover it all on this one day learning opportunity.
and times: Saturday 24th February
2024, 10.30 - 3.30 pm ( doors opening and refreshments served
from 10 am).
Trinity Methodist Church, Kidderminster, Churchfields, DY10 2JL
There is parking at the church and the railway station is around
a 15 minute walk from here. Further directions can be provided
nearer the time.
Drinks provided but please bring your own packed lunch.
To book your place please go to
or email with
your name, role and the circuit you are from. If you have any
additional needs that may be a barrier to you accessing this
event, please let us know and we will see how this can be
Kind regards
Campus Administrator

An exciting opportunity has opened to join the hospitality team
serving our campus.
If you are an experienced administrator with a strong focus on
customer service, a keen eye for detail, and great interpersonal
skills, we want to hear from you!
Combining reception services with administrative duties, this
complex and varied role requires strong coordination skills and a
flexible, can-do attitude.
Strong IT skills, including Office 365 are essential. In
particular, the postholder must be practiced in using Excel
spreadsheets to record, manage, and extract information.
Experience in using bookings and database software would be
advantageous but we are happy to provide in-work training for the
right person.
Full details can be found on the Queen’s website at:
Administrator - The Queen's Foundation (
Closing date for applications is Thursday 17th
February 2024.
Safeguarding Training for the Community from

Within our churches there’s a good level of safeguarding training
and awareness. But what about in our communities? The
NSPCC is offering free training to help communities be fully
supportive of the children and families in their midst in a way
which is safe and appropriate. Could your church be a host?
If you’d like to explore this you can use the email contact
on the flyer. Alternatively, if you’d like to chat things
through with Lizzie Brookes, Local Campaigns Officer for the
Midlands, the District Office has Lizzie’s contact details.
Cardiff Methodist Community Choir SHOUT tour

Heaton Moor United Church, Stockport, SK4 4HL
on Friday 16th February 2024 at 7pm.
Lichfield Methodist Church, Lichfield, WS13 6JJ
on Saturday 17th February 2024 at 7:30pm.
ALL ARE WELCOME - the event is free entry but donations welcome
on the night!
In conjunction with the EDI policies of The Methodist Church
CMCC works to raise awareness of the social injustices within
society that prevent the Kingdom of God from becoming realised.
If we want to declare that our faith is for everyone, that it is
so wonderfully hopeful and takes us towards the Kingdom here on
earth, we must have a deep-rooted understanding as to why we make
that declaration,
How can we offer food if we do not know about hunger?
How can we offer inclusion if we do not know about those
How can we offer comfort if we do not know about the pain?
How can we offer fellowship if we do not know about loneliness?
And as Christians, how can we rejoice in the birth and
resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ without knowing the horror
of the crucifixion?
CMCC takes up this worthy campaign and in its own way raises
awareness of societal injustices, at the same time heralding and
empowering the uniqueness of humankind to love and care for each
other, as we are loved and cared for.
We are CMCC.
Rev Andrew Charlesworth, Chair of Wales Synod Cymru writes
‘Cardiff Methodist Community Choir (CMCC) are made up of members
of the Cardiff Circuit and those who come along from the wider
community. They have a passion for justice, dignity and
solidarity, together with a desire to share with others in an
accessible and creative way. The Choir is keen to offer new
arrangements of well-known secular and Christian songs. Having
recently attended a service led by CMCC, I would heartily
encourage you to come along and share with the Choir as part of
this tour.’
Children's Support Fund
We are still able to support Children's
activities through a Children's support grant. The original fund
has been spent but the District has agreed to make more funds
available so please apply using the link and forward to my email
Amplify Stewards Needed
you be part of our small but mighty stewarding team? If you are
passionate about young people involved in the church and want to
be a part of a great team who will be serving, listening and
engaging with them, then being an Amplify Steward is for you!
This varied role will allow you to both be blessed by and be a
blessing to our young people. Amplify takes place between 15th and
17th March 2024 at the Pioneer Centre near
Cleobury Mortimer. You can volunteer anywhere from one session to
the whole weekend. Food will be provided for the meals you are
with us for, and there is some accommodation available to stay
with us for the weekend. You can find out more information about
stewarding and apply at
Contact Charlotte
for more information. We'd love to have you on board!
Charlotte 🙂
Hambly | District Youth Coordinator
Christian Aid's Changemakers Conference
Saturday 2nd March 10.30am-1pm
Join us for our hugely popular annual conference to hear stories
from our partners in Burundi and to meet with fellow Christian
Aid supporters to help make Christian Aid Week 2024 a great
success. You can join us in 3 ways:
- Join us in person
in London
- Attend a local
‘Watch Party’ hosted by CA staff in Crewe (St Andrew’s) or
Warrington (The Outset)
- Or join online
from your own home.
The first 2 options are followed by a networking
Sign up here to attend: Changemakers
Conference: Changing the world together | Christian Aid
Local Arrangements Training
There will be an event held in the Telford Circuit meant to
support those asked to lead local arrangements. The event will
give ideas and support to those who find themselves having to
lead an act of worship when they are not used to doing this. It
is therefore aimed at church stewards, worship leaders,
musicians, etc. who get involved with this.
The event will be at Dunwell Ghanaian church in Ketley on the 17th
February from 10-2 pm. Can people bring their own lunch/tea for
these events please. Although the event has been requested by the
Telford Circuit, this is an open invitation for anyone across our
District to attend.
Circuit Stewards Training

Are you a new circuit steward, or have been one for awhile and
are looking to dive deeper in to your roles &
responsibilities and develop your skills and knowledge?
This 6
session course takes place on Monday evenings,
7-9pm, from 26th Feb-15th April, 2024. It
introduces new Circuit Stewards to expectations and
responsibilities of serving in this area of circuit leadership
and will refresh existing Circuit Stewards in their ongoing
learning and development.
Each session will offer opportunities to explore ideas and share
experiences as well as identify areas for further action, ongoing
learning and development particularly in these areas:
1: Welcome and Introduction to Circuit Stewarding
- 26th
2: Calling and Role of the Circuit Steward
- 4th
3: Distinctively Methodist - 11th March
4: Positive Working Together - 18th March
5: Continuing to Learn - 25th March
6: Mission Planning - 15th April
This event is being led by the Learning Network.
For more information, please contact Jenna Thorne (
should come to this Learning Network event?
Anyone preparing for, or who has recently started in the role of
Circuit Steward or anyone currently serving as a Circuit Steward
who would like to refresh or develop learning and share
experiences with others.
much does this event cost?
This event is free and offered as part of the Learning Network
support across the Connexion - just register and you'll receive
joining instructions for the event
How do
I book a place?
Go to Eventbrite, you can follow the link here Circuit
Stewards Training Tickets, Mon 26 Feb 2024 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
Learning & Development Officer | The Connexional
Phone: 07772979625