Easter Pilgrimage - Day Walkers Welcome!
pilgrims from the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury and Birmingham
Districts have signed up to make a Pilgrimage in Easter
week. We welcome day walkers to join us on any
stretch of our journey. You’ll need to be at our
departure point by 9.15am bringing a packed lunch and
drink. We expect a lot of mud on the route so stout
walking shoes and waterproofs will be essential. Each
day’s walk is between 8.5 and 10 miles, taken at a steady
pace. We will be weaving prayer in to the day at
various points. We expect to reach
our destinations around 4-5pm. Accompanied
children and young people are welcome.
We will have room each day to take 2 walkers back to the
start. Beyond that you will have to be prepared to
make your own arrangements. It is essential that
we know to expect you so please ring or text Rachel Parkinson on
07950 808240 up to the evening before you intend to join us.
Come and celebrate Easter by joining our pilgrim band!
2nd April
Starting point: Horsehay Methodist Church, Simpsons
Walk, Horsehay, Telford TF4 2PA
Destination: Broseley Methodist Church. Cumberland Cl,
Broseley TF12 5SW
3rd April
Starting point: Broseley Methodist Church. Cumberland
Cl, Broseley TF12 5SW
Destination: Bridgnorth Scout Hut, 1A Love Ln,
Bridgnorth WV16 4HD
4th April
Starting point: Bridgnorth Scout Hut, 1A Love Ln, Bridgnorth WV16
Destination: Much Wenlock Methodist Church, King
Street, TF13 6BL
5th April
Starting point: Much Wenlock Methodist Church, King Street, TF13
Destination: Pitchford Village Hall, Shrewsbury SY5
6th April
For starting point, please contact for details. To be
Destination: Church Stretton Methodist Church, Watling
St S, SY6 7BG
seeks to explore and share creativity, develop ideas about
how the arts can be used in worship, and to worship together. Its
roots go back to 1935 as a fellowship of Methodist organists and
choirmasters but in 2010 developed into an organisation with a
much wider creative remit for Christians.
ArtServe has many things to offer including an annual festival in
October, a magazine published 3-4 times a year, facebook groups,
financial support through the Freeman Trust grants for young
people (although adults are not excluded) needing tuition to help
with music in worship, a monthly online members chat, a website
and a bi-monthly email newsletter.
Please subscribe to our newsletter on our website for more
details. The newsletter is free to subscribe to and is delivered
via email. Please also explore the website if you wish to know
more about how ArtServe can support your Christian creativity https://www.artserve.org.uk/
TMCP recruiting new board members
Enabling, Engaging, Encouraging and Equipping for Mission
We are recruiting new members of the Trustees for Methodist
Church Purposes (TMCP) Board. Applications will be invited from
lay and ordained members of the Methodist Church.
does TMCP do?
TMCP is the Custodian Trustee of almost all Methodist property,
land and model trust money.
There are a number of different aspects to our work at TMCP, but
a key part is guiding the Managing Trustees through the potential
pitfalls of Charity Law, Methodist law and other legislation. We
also have oversight of GDPR across the Connexion.
One of our primary aims is to guide and assist local churches so
that they can engage more fully, and safely, in resourcing
mission and ministry.
are the duties and responsibilities of the Board?
The Board of Trustees consists of up to 16 members, with equal
numbers of ministers and lay persons who are drawn from all walks
of life, to maintain a balance of skills in discharging trustee
duties. Board members are appointed by the Methodist Conference
on the nomination of the Board which seeks to maintain a balance
of appropriate professional expertise and Methodist experience.
The Board reports annually to the Conference.
does the Board operate?
The Board currently meets three times a year usually in-person at
our offices in Central Buildings Manchester. Some meetings are
held by Teams or Zoom. The role is voluntary but full travel
expenses are paid.
The Board works through four committees: an Executive
Committee, an Audit and Risk Committee, Investment Committee and
a Grants Committee. All committees are drawn from the Board,
Chief Executive and Senior Management Team and meet several times
a year. The skills offered by Board members are considered in the
appointment to these committees.
can you offer to the board?
The Board is looking for new trustees who can bring expertise or
experience of one or more of the following: Corporate Governance,
Finance and Accounting, business systems and structures, local
church, district and connexion. Perhaps most important is an
enthusiasm to support the calling and mission of the Methodist
As with all aspects of the Methodist church we are committed to
Equality Diversity and Inclusion.
For further information or an informal conversation contact the
Chair, Ian White at ian.alsager@gmail.com
. We will be holding meetings with applicants during April
Human Rights Monitors for 2025
Methodist Church partners with the Ecumenical Accompaniment
Programme in Palestine and Israel an international programme
coordinated in the UK by the Quakers. They are recruiting human
rights monitors for 2025! Please could you spread the word…
EAPPI call their human rights monitors Ecumenical Accompaniers,
or EAs for short. EAs spend three months in Palestine and
Israel witnessing and monitoring human rights violations and
standing in solidarity with local peace activists. When
they come home, they give talks in their local communities and
advocate for an end to the military occupation of
EAs need to be flexible, hard-working, physically and
emotionally robust, open to hearing from different
perspectives, and able to represent the programme in a
professional manner. No previous monitoring experience is
required. Expenses will be paid and a living allowance
To apply, or for more information, see www.quaker.org.uk/applyeappi. The
closing date is Sunday 14 April 2024, 5pm.
Volunteer roles: Connexional Council and
Resourcing Committee
Fund for Human Need Report
Year 2022-23
It has been another busy year at the Fund for Human Need, which
has seen us handling over 880 applications for assistance. We
have also been represented at carefully-chosen national events to
get the Fund recognised by more people and generate more support
and have written to every Methodist church in the UK. The
applications received mostly came from 110 organisations but
towards the end of the year we saw a rise in personal
applications as the effect of the cost-of-living crisis made
itself felt. The applications covered 1,459 individuals, a third
of whom (481) were children. The number of applications from
those who were homeless (144) was down on previous years
following the ‘Everyone In’ programme during the pandemic; the
majority of these were asking for help with basics such as food,
bedding and mattresses. 65 people asked for help to enable them
to stay in education. In the course of the year 679 grant
payments totalling £74.200 were made, providing not only vital
emergency support to people in all parts of the UK, but also
expressing loving concern and offering hope.
During the year there has been a significant increase in the
amount of donations made by individuals — the highest amount in
the history of the Fund. We are very grateful to all who have responded
by making one-off gifts and for the personal commitment of those
who are giving regularly by means of a standing order. In the
same period there has been a reduction in the total received from
churches. This no doubt reflect the financial pressure felt by
many congregations. While the grants are modest, responses
received often express appreciation of the money given which for
many is a life-line when they are so desperate. As important as
is the money, which provides vital, short-term help, is the
knowledge that through the generosity of our supporters we have
been able to show concern, give hope and share God's love.
for the Future
There are many people within and beyond the Methodist Church who
might be expected to have sympathy with FHN's object "to
relieve and remove hunger and poverty...without regard for
politics, race, colour or creed" but who do not know of the
Fund. Embarking on our 2023-24 programme of fund-raising we
contacted every Methodist church in the UK with updated flyers which
it is hoped will lead to an increased response from both
congregations and individuals. We also continue to seek ways to
cover the fund-raising and administration costs of the Fund by
sponsorship and grants. This would result in all the money
donated being given in the one-off relief payments to tide people
over when they are destitute. The applications often describe the
extreme poverty, abuse and despair experienced by people. What
should encourage all who contribute to their relief by supporting
the Fund is the sincerity of the gratitude of those who have
received grants for the help they have been given. The trustees
express thanks to those who have taken on the role of 'Friend of
FHN' and who advocate the work of FHN in their area. They welcome
opportunities to speak to groups of the positive impact our quite
modest grant payments make to some of the most vulnerable and
needy people in our society today.
West Midlands Immigration Meeting of Migrant
& Refugee Organisers (MARO)
Venue: St Chad
and St Mark's Anglican Church, Wolverhampton WV3 0HG
Date: Tuesday 16th of
10:30 AM -
12:00 PM
purpose for this meeting is to bring together organisers from
across the West Midlands to organise for changes in the pathways
to citizenship and other immigration issues.
West Midlands Mayoral
Accountability Assembly 2024

On the evening of Thursday 25th April, amidst celebrating our
diversity with powerful testimonies, communities from across our
membership will come together to put specific asks directly
to Andy
Street (Conservative candidate) and Richard Parker (Labour
candidate) on our priorities for Housing, Safety and Work.
is not a public hustings event. We will publish
written responses to our priorities received by all candidates on
our website as well email them out to everyone on our mailing
Our priorities have been developed by our membership over the
course of the past 18 months through listening events, workshops
and local action. We are seeking a 2-way accountable relationship
with whoever becomes the next Mayor of the West Midlands.
If you are from a member organisation or have received this
specific invitation as a guest, join us then for what will be a
moving evening of communities acting together for the common good
and social justice.
For more information and to register your place, please visit:
Arrangements are being made to arrange a coach to take attendees
from the Wolverhampton area to the Mayoral Assembly in
Birmingham. If anyone is interested in attending the event, they
should register via the link and contact me: Eddy Aigbe at ccorganiser@wsmethodist.org.uk
Bible Month Study Day
& Stourport Circuit
you doing Bible Month on Genesis this year?
A special Study
Day on Genesis, the Bible Month book for 2024,
has been organised by Kidderminster & Stourport Circuit’s
LP&WL Meeting:
4 May
Methodist Church Centre, Churchfields, Kidderminster DY10 2JL
for 10.30 – 15.00
& Coffee provided – please bring your own packed lunch!]
Open to the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury and Birmingham
Districts, this study day will be led by Dr Andrew Mein, Director
of Research at the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham.
Whilst aimed primarily at preachers, the day will be of interest
to those leading the study of Genesis in small groups – and to
anyone who wants to get to grips with the pivotal first book of
our Bible!
The venue is a 15 minute walk from Kidderminster railway station
and also has ample free parking on site. There’s a map on
the church web site: trinitymethodistkidderminster.org.uk
To reserve a place on Saturday 4 May, please contact:
Local Preachers & Worship Leaders’ Meeting
Kidderminster & Stourport Methodist Circuit
01299 400284
The Kidderminster & Stourport Circuit will be having themed
preaching on Genesis throughout October 2024.
Saltley Trust
Grass-Root Grants
Could St
Peter’s Saltley Trust help support your bright idea?
We’re dedicating a third of our annual grants budget to fund grass-roots
projects being developed by individual local churches, schools or
colleges (or small local partnerships of these).
Grants are available for new
work which is creative, innovative, experimental and exploratory
in nature, and focused upon either:
- Religion (particularly
Christianity) in school education
- Religious
literacy, church-college partnerships and spiritual
development in Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges
- Christian
learning and discipleship within church and community
particularly want to support the development and trialling of new
initiatives which could become the model or inspiration for work
For more detail on funding priorities and eligibility criteria,
see: www.saltleytrust.org.uk/what-we-support/.
You can also contact: director@saltleytrust.org.uk
Pioneer Children and
Families Worker needed
Do you
love working with children and families? Do you have the passion,
patience and commitment to help them develop their faith? Could
you nurture them in their spirituality through interesting and
exciting activities, discussions and worship? If so, this role
could be what you are looking for.
We are seeking a full-time Pioneer Children & Families
Worker. Responsibilities include
· Working
with under 11’s (with a possibility of working with 11 – 18 year
olds) and their families
Initiating and leading schools based work and outreach into the
Developing appropriate activities and forms of worship for
Developing work with volunteers enthusiastically and inspiring
We are a welcoming and inclusive church with a toddler group,
uniformed organisations and a Sunday School. Could this be you?
If so please get in touch. Warley Woods Methodist Church. Contact
details https://www.warleywoodsmethodistchurch.co.uk/
or email warleywoods6@gmail.com)
Closing date 12 noon, Saturday 6 April 2024
Saltley Trust Funding
Peter’s Saltley Trust offers funding and support for creative
projects in Christian learning/discipleship and religious
education. Come and hear about our new grass-roots grant
opportunities, and help shape our new programme of discipleship
projects by telling us what you think helps people go deeper in
their everyday walk with God. Meet us at the following
time/place, and we’ll buy you a coffee (or similar)!
Wed 24 April, 10-12 - Hummingbird Cafe, Meeting Point House
Telford TF3 4HS
Open to anyone - not just church leaders/ministers.
No need to book, but dropping us an email would help us know who
to expect. Look out for the Saltley Trust logo when you
arrive. Contact Ian Jones (director@saltleytrust.org.uk) <mailto:(director@saltleytrust.org.uk)>
Ian Jones
Director, St Peter's Saltley Trust
Might you be
experiencing a call to ordained ministry?

The Methodist Church has recently launched a new candidating
process. Now is the time for anyone who is beginning to
discern a call to ordained ministry to apply for ‘Discerning
Ordained Vocation 1’ (DOV1).
The application period is from January 1 to March 31.
Full information about the new process is available here: https://www.methodist.org.uk/for-churches/ministries/candidating-for-ministry/candidating-process/
The process begins with a period of accompanied discernment as
applicants discover God’s calling for themselves. It
involves working with an accompanist, deep discernment on a
facilitated retreat, and then meeting with an Advisory
3Gen Volunteers needed
for 3Generate is now open! There are plenty of different ways to
join the team and help make the event happen.
Here’s Jude Levermore sharing why volunteering matters: https://youtu.be/iWCUqrTfEBU
Let’s share the news far and wide and encourage those we know to
get involved. And why not consider the opportunity yourself too?
Check: www.methodist.org.uk/3Generate for
further information
Children's Support Fund
We are still able to support Children's
activities through a Children's support grant. The original fund
has been spent but the District has agreed to make more funds
available so please apply using the link and forward to my email tim.a.lorimer@gmail.com