Action for Children News
May District News from Action for Children
Dear friends,
It’s good to see Spring gradually emerging;
there’s something about this season that gives a
sense of hope. I look forward to sharing Action
for Children's plans for the coming months, and
how you can get involved.
We’d like to thank everyone who took part in Count
Your Blessings through Lent. We hope the
snippets of stories we shared inspired you and
showed you how your support makes a difference.
Action for Children Sunday
Action for Children Sunday is on 14 July and the
theme is 'Justice for vulnerable families'. We
would be delighted if you can hold a special
service to remember our charity on that date or
another one. Resources for all-age,
children and young people services will soon be
on our website here:
New quarterly online forum
On 10 July, we are launching a quarterly online
forum for Methodists and other church supporters
to hear first-hand about our work and how their
support makes a difference. In just under an
hour, you can hear interesting updates from our
staff who work in frontline services, young
ambassadors, and fundraisers. You will also be
able to sign up to take part in our petitions and
give us direct feedback.
Sign up to get invitations to each forum:
Honouring our Heritage
Join us in June in honouring our heritage by
looking at how our residential homes have changed
over the years. A lot has changed since 1869, but
our ambition – to give children safe and happy
childhoods – shines just as bright. Alongside
learning about our history, you can enjoy four
Bible reflections on the importance and impact of
legacy gifts on your own or within a group.
We're blessed to have such loyal and generous
supporters stand with us, making our work
possible – especially Methodists. So, we are also
launching an exclusive offer for you to write
your will for free.
All the information will be online here:
Chaplaincy Talk at RAF Cosford
Maltby, the Methodist Forces Board Projects Officer is offering a
unique opportunity to visit RAF Cosford to hear about the
ministry of the forces chaplain.
A Methodist Way of Life asks us to think about how we can help
people beyond our community and speak of the love of God, sharing
our faith with others.
In the context of the armed forces, the work sailors, soldiers
and air personnel do is often unseen or not well understood by
the rest of society. Certainly the impact that it can have on
them and their loved ones is considerable, and unlikely to be
appreciated unless we have family or friends in this community.
Learning more of what others experience on our behalf is
significant learning.
This invitation is to all chaplains, veterans and anyone with a
interest in hearing about this important role.
Booking is essential as the visit will take place in non public
areas of the base and security checks will need to be passed.
The visit will involve some walking and lunch will be included.
Date: Monday 1st July.
Time: Provisional time 9.30am- 3.15pm, this will be confirmed.
For more details and to book a place contact Jo Yair
by Monday 10th June.
Fair Traid Chair needed
for interest in the roles of Chair of Board of Directors and
Company Secretary with Wolverhampton Fair Traid
Fair Trade Supplies CIC, trading as Wolverhampton Fair Traid
(WFTS), was established as a community interest company in the
mid-2000s, evolving out of a less formal group of volunteers.
is governed by a Board of Directors which currently comprises
nine members and the day-to-day oversight of work is done by the
volunteer coordinator. We have approximately 20 volunteers who
work in our shop.
its inception WFTS acted as a catalyst for fair trade sales and
education and sales were mainly to account customers such
as churches and schools but the Board had a vision to increase
its reach to retail customers across the city.
major setbacks (including a major fire at its then premises in
Darlington Street Methodist Church in 2014 and the closing of the
church which coincided with the beginning of the Covid pandemic,
when the shop was in a healthy position and beginning to see good
profits) WFTS made a successful transition to permanent premises
in the Mander Centre in July 2022 where it is beginning to see a
growth in retail sales. At the same time WFTS found a willing
host at Beckminster Methodist Church both to be our storeroom and
from where we serve our account customers.
are currently looking for two people to take on the roles of
Chair of the Board of Directors and Company
the geography is right for you, we would love to hear from you.
Job descriptions and application forms are available from If
you would like an informal conversation, please contact the
volunteer coordinator, Brenda Shuttleworth, either at the above
email address or on 07845 007931.
District Pilgrimage 2024
this year’s pilgrimage, Rev’d Dee Yeadon (who has been stationed
to the District from this September) wrote a short reflection.
This now forms the basis of a 2 min video, with photos from
the pilgrimage. You can watch it here:
Love Pray Vote
engaging with the General Election
A webinar at 7pm on 21 May will introduce JPIT’s resources for
individuals and churches for the election, including how to
encourage voter registration, put poverty on the agenda, host a
successful hustings, and preach and pray in the election period.
Register for the event and access the resources at
Young People's Pilgrimage to Taize

New Lay Stationing Representative needed
Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District has an immediate vacancy
for a Lay Stationing Rep (LSR) to work with the Chair on
Stationing in 2024/25. With the new West Midlands
District expected to begin from September 2025 and the LSR for
the Birmingham District indicating a desire to then step
down, the person appointed to this role is expected to become
LSR for the new District. Both District Policy
Committees have agreed to this, subject to this appointment being
open to people in both Districts. Indications of
interest from both District are therefore invited.
The LSR plays a very significant part in the life of a District.
The role involves working alongside the Chair during the
Stationing Process offering a Lay perspective. It
includes meeting with Circuit Invitation Committees and with
ministers and those who share their journey. More
information is on the attached role
Could this be for you? Or for someone you know whom you
could suggest it to? If, after reading the information, you
would like to explore this further, please contact the W&S
District Administrator, Richard Lockley, as soon as possible and
by 2nd June at the latest so that further conversations can take
Appointment will be subject to safe recruiting procedures.
Team Leader of BCUIM needed
Country Urban Industrial Mission
The Black Country Urban Industrial Mission is looking to appoint
a Team Leader who will work with the Executive Board to drive
forward the ministry of BCUIM and to support and develop an
ecumenical team of Workplace Chaplains.
This is 0.5 Full Time Equivalent role equating to 21 hours. This
role allows for hybrid working, locations to include the BCUIM
office (currently Wolverhampton), and activities in the
industrial environment in the area known as “The Black Country”.
Salary is £17,418 p.a. (£34,837 FTE), plus allowances if
This role
is a post to which an Occupational Requirement under
paragraph 1 of Schedule 9 to the Equality Act 2010 applies,
the requirement being that the post holder is a practising
Download the Job Description and Person Specification here.
Or please email:
For informal enquiries regarding this post please contact Simon
To apply please send a CV, covering letter addressing points in
the person specification and the names and email addresses of 2
referees to:
date Wednesday 29 May 5pm
Wednesday 12 June
MHA Sunday Resources
has been over 80 years since the Methodist Conference grasped
Rev. Walter Hall’s vision and supported the founding of
MHA. And in those 80 years, we have worked together
with our friends in the Methodist Church to meet the changing
needs of people in later life.
This year, for MHA Sunday, we are delighted to announce that
our long-standing patron and friend, TV and radio presenter
Pam Rhodes, is fronting our campaign and has supported us by
presenting our 2024 video.
MHA Sunday 2024 will be held on 9 June, but we
warmly encourage churches across the circuit to hold a
service on any day that fits with their rota or programme of
activities. We very much hope that you will be able to help
us get the message out across your Circuit: to churches,
ministers, preachers, worship leaders and stewards. Marking
June 9 on the plan as MHA Sunday serves as a useful
reminder to those planned to lead worship that day, it also
provides time to prepare using your free downloadable
focus this year follows Mark 4:30, the Parable of the Mustard
Seed, and uses the growth of God’s Kingdom to highlight the
impact a small gesture can have, especially on those in later
This year our free downloadable pack includes a complete order
of service and videos, including a sermon – everything needed
to lead an MHA Sunday service and perfect for Local
would appreciate it if you would forward this email to all
those in your Circuit responsible for leading worship and
encourage them to take a look at the resources. For those
without email, let them know there are resources available.
It would be wonderful if every church across the Connexion
could hold an MHA Sunday service in 2024.
With faith and kindness we are stronger together.
With every blessing,
Abby Ogier
Head of Chaplaincy
Safeguarding Advanced Training Dates
Advanced Courses arranged in the following
Circuits in 2024.
Please contact Stephanie Bradley to book or for venue information
and times via the following email address:
21 May - Droitwich
25 May - Coventry Central
01 Jun - Solihull
08 Jun - Wednesbury Black Country
19 Jun - Birmingham West & Oldbury
22 Jun - Telford
06 Jul - Shropshire & Marches - Ludlow
13 Jul - Bromsgrove & Redditch
05 Oct - Vale of Stour
District Children's Holiday Fund
we have now spent all of the surplus District Children's Holiday
monies I wanted to share with you some details of where and what
it has funded in the hope that Churches will still apply for
funding which is now available through the District Advance Fund.
Total amount Paid out to Churches since 2020 £16202
Number of Projects supported 39
Number of Churches supported 32
What types of projects have been approved?
Pop up Spaces
Holiday Clubs
Christmas Activity bags
Breakfast Clubs
Lego clubs
Books for reading initiatives
Summer Clubs
Special needs groups
After School clubs
So if you have a project coming up please apply for funding (up
to £500) using the application
form linked to this and forward to Tim Lorimer at
Note the change of email address.
3Gen bookings
for 3Generate is now open! There are plenty of different ways to
join the team and help make the event happen.
Here’s Jude Levermore sharing why volunteering matters:
Let’s share the news far and wide and encourage those we know to
get involved. And why not consider the opportunity yourself too?
Check: for
further information and to book your place as general booking is
now open.