Christmas Market
Fairtrade Group for Wolverhampton Circuit are holding
a Christmas Fairtrade Market at Beckminster on Saturday 16th November;
10.30am - 2.00pm. Cards, gifts, groceries and chocolate for
gifting. Teas and coffees, light lunches available from 12 noon.

Grants - Hush the Noise -updated

Christmas is loud, isn’t it? So much expectation. So many voices.
Telling us how to celebrate, what to wear, what to eat and drink,
what to watch and what to buy. Instead, this Christmas we’re
inviting everyone to hush the noise.
Christmas can indeed be overwhelming, with all the noise and
This Advent and Christmas, the Methodist Church is inviting
you to create opportunities for God’s love to shine, focusing on
ordinary acts of kindness that can make an extraordinary
difference. The District is supporting the Connexional “Hush the Noise”
Campaign by making small grants available of up to £200.
Anyone in the District can apply, though you’ll need your
Superintendent’s signature.
Applications will be considered by the District Chair and the
Ministry & Missions Co-ordinator. Rachel and Jo will be
particularly looking for projects which:
- Go beyond giving
gifts away to seeking to build relationship with people
beyond your Sunday congregation
- Communicate the
love of God in Jesus, and make room for people to respond
- Are conscious of
the need to be environmentally friendly
- Include people
who find Christmas overwhelming, noisy or challenging
Connexional resources can be found here.
Please click here
for an updated application form.
Lay Vocation Conference
join us at the Berkswich
Methodist Church for
a day of learning, networking, and fun at our lay leader
conference! Whether you're a paid worker, or a volunteer you're
welcome. It is an opportunity to connect with others and to hear
more about what "God for All" means to you and your
role. It is also a chance to reflect and learn more about your
own vocational calling.
As well as
hearing from our Keynote Speaker - Trey Hall, Director of
Evangelism and Growth. We will have a guest speaker from Care for
the Family and there will be opportunity to speak with Jo Yair,
Mission and Ministry Co-ordinator for the W&S District, Adam
Sanders, Mission Enabler in the Birmingham District and Rosie
Bryant from the Learning Network. So there are plenty of
opportunities to find out more about training and coaching
available through the church. Don't miss out on this opportunity
to grow and recharge with like-minded individuals. Register now
to secure your spot!

Tentmakers in the Marketplace

Mission & Ministry Course
are now open with dates & new venues for 2025.
For anyone in need of a rural refresher or considering a move to
50% bursary for all lay/ordained Methodists.
Further information & booking form here: www.tinyurl.com/RMMC25

Conference 2025 - Telford
Taking place @ Telford
International Centre
June – 2nd July 2025
exciting opportunity to support
Conference Needs
and paper distributors
Service Chaplains
make initial contact with YOUR District’s PA
& Shrewsbury admin@wsmethodist.org.uk
and Stoke chester.stoke@btconnect.com
part of the team that makes The Methodist Conference work!
invitation to all W&S members
Birmingham District Autumn Meeting
Saturday 9 November 2024 10.30-3.00 pm
At Erdington Methodist Church
Wesley Road, Erdington, B23 6TX
All Welcome including Men
Morning session, “Remembrance Reflections ” led by Rev.Dr.Robert
Afternoon session, Assortment of Crafts
“Bring and share lunch” drinks will be provided.
Any Questions please email secretary annetteash21@yahoo.co.uk
House events

Join us for the rescheduled Brian E Beck Memorial Lecture
on Saturday
14 December. There is the option to attend
in-person or online.
This year’s lecture will be provided by The Revd Dr Julian
M. Pursehouse and the lecture title is The Complete Art of
Happiness – Engaging with Wesley through a Theology of Happiness
For further information and to register visit -
Community launch
With the
support of the Action for Hope; Justice Seeking Church;
Evangelism & Growth; and the Climate Change Priority
Collaboration Group, we are launching an Eco Community (Community
of Practice). We hope this will offer the support and
signposting needed to encourage individuals and churches to be
more eco-friendly. It is a minefield out there; how do
we know what’s greenwash and what’s really green? How
can a church work towards net zero or ecochurch when money is
tight? How can we worship alongside God’s blue and
green world? How do we become a Justice Seeking Church
for all things,
not just for humans?
How bamboozling it can be! So it would be great if you
could share the news with your District and let interested
parties know (church/circuit stewards, justice group leaders
etc…). We hope this will be a space where people can
hear from guest speakers, and exchange ideas, resources, and
The dates of the first three Eco Community gatherings are 12
November, 10 February and 13 May, all at 7pm. The joining
link is here.
For more details, contact Siggy
Parratt-Halbert “
Latest Safeguarding Training Dates
Advanced Courses arranged in the following
Circuits in 2024.
Please contact Stephanie Bradley to book or for venue information
and times via the following email address: stephaniebradley@birminghammethodist.org.uk
9/11 ~ Carrs lane Birmingham ~ 0945 -1400
26/11 – Dudley - Himley RD MC - DY3 2TS - 0930hrs start
2/11 – Dawley MC TF4 2EX – Telford circuit 0945 hrs start
9/11 – Carrs Lane Centre Birmingham – 0945hrs registration
30/11 – Stafford Circuit – venue TBC – 0945 hrs start
25/1/25 – Ledbury MC Herefordshire HR8 2AA -– 0945hrs
29/3/25 – Leabrook MC WS10 7LY – 0945hrs registration
Also for online courses use this link – its uploaded with new
options regularly – if someone requires on line option can they
please email me so I can create an account with MCBX as there is
pre course work with this option -
If anyone prefers advanced online course can you email me
directly ~ Stephanie Bradley@birminghammethodist.org.uk
your circuit requires a course please let me know -
District Children's Activities Support Fund
we have now spent all of the surplus District Children's Holiday
monies I wanted to share with you some details of where and what
it has funded in the hope that Churches will still apply for
funding which is now available through the District Advance Fund.
Total amount Paid out to Churches since 2020 £16202
Number of Projects supported 39
Number of Churches supported 32
What types of projects have been approved?
Pop up Spaces
Holiday Clubs
Christmas Activity bags
Breakfast Clubs
Lego clubs
Books for reading initiatives
Summer Clubs
Special needs groups
After School clubs
So if you have a project coming up please apply for funding (up
to £500) using the application
form linked to this and forward to Tim Lorimer at childrensfunding2024@gmail.com
Note the change of email address.