From:                              Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District Office []

Sent:                               12 February 2025 13:01


Subject:                          12/02/2025


New this week:
Sad news concerning Yvonne Gough
Looking Ahead: to the WM District
Action for Children News
Prayer and Care news
Rewarding Voluntary Work Opportunity
In case you missed it:
Stationing Briefing - save the date!
Wholehearted Monthly Mission Series launches
Ecumenical Links
Easter Pilgrimage 2025
Hymnbooks for Africa
Greenhouse retreats
Advanced Safeguarding Training update
New District Website - reminder
Safeguarding Officer Post
District Children's Activities Fund
Methodist Conference - Telford

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Sad news concerning Yvonne Gough

It is with great sadness that we bring news of the death of Yvonne Gough, of the Hidden River Circuit, after a short illness.  Yvonne was involved in the life of the District in a number of ways over the years, but is best known for her passionate commitment to the District's relationship with the Free Methodist Church in Rwanda. 
This means that Yvonne will be greatly missed in Rwanda as well as in the UK.  It brings a measure of comfort that her death coincides with the planned trip of a District delegation to Rwanda.  We will be able to share both in mourning and celebration with Methodist friends overseas even as Yvonne’s family and friends do the same at home.  
The photograph is of Yvonne with her friend Marianne, a member of the Methodist church on the Shara Peninsula with which St John’s, Bloxwich is twinned.



Looking Ahead: to the West Midlands District

Wednesday 19th February 9:30-10am

You are warmly invited to the next of our monthly 30 minute zoom sessions preparing for the new West Midlands District. There will be an opportunity to discover more, ask any questions you have, and pray together.
Get the zoom link by signing up here.
If you would like to ask a question email it to
Don’t forget to sign-up to the mailing list at


Action for Children news



Rewarding Voluntary Work Opportunity

Ablewell Advice Walsall, the mission outreach project of Walsall Methodist Central Hall, is looking for a volunteer to help with administration for the management team.
The project has been running for over twelve years under the trusteeship of the Church Council. At the council’s request the management team is working to transfer Ablewell Advice into a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
We provide a Foodbank as part of Black Country Foodbank, and a free to use Benefit and Debt advice service to anyone in living in the Walsall area.  
We are looking for a volunteer to provide administrative support to the Management Team. You will work closely with the Chair of the Team, preparing Agendas and taking minutes of the meetings. Additional responsibilities may develop in line with the successful candidate’s skills, abilities, level of interest and enthusiasm to take on more as they feel able.
To discuss or to apply for the role, please email Andrew Beattie at, or phone 07 967 975 861.



Stationing Briefing 25/26: Save the Dates

The West Midlands District preparation and training meeting to outline the stationing process will be held online on 1st May at 7pm.  In Circuits where invitations come to an end in 2026, those expected to attend are presbyters, deacons, Superintendents and Circuit and Church Stewards who will be involved in the process. Spouses/partners or other supporting people are warmly invited to attend the briefing alongside ministers.  
There will be a follow-up online session on 13th May at 7pm for those who engaging with the processes of re-invitations.  Recognising that this can be a complex process, this session will go into more details around the protocols and will give greater space of questions to be aired.


'Wholehearted Monthly' Mission Series Launches

The Methodist Church is thrilled to announce the launch of wholehearted monthly, a free, online mission series starting in March on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm - 9:00pm GMT/BST. People from all traditions and countries are welcome.

What is wholehearted monthly? Think community organising rally meets immersive spiritual laboratory. It's for anyone committed to a vibrant friendship between "Church" and "World" — and a desire for both to flourish. Each month, testimony from local innovators, input from a renowned guest speaker, and wisdom-sharing in networks around Gospel justice, inclusion, evangelism, and growth.

Speakers for the first three gatherings are now public!

Nadia Bolz-Weber is a best-selling author, public theologian and pastor, and is the founder and church planter of House for All Sinners and Saints. (Tuesday 11 March)

Rowan Williams is a theologian, poet and former Archbishop of Canterbury, and is author of fifty books on literature, politics, and being Christian. (Tuesday 8 April)

Chine McDonald is a writer, broadcaster and author, and is Director of Theos, the religion and society think tank. (Tuesday 13 May)

Get your seat at the online table here:
Hosted by The Methodist Church in Britain and open to all. 


Ecumenical Links

The following two websites act as a basic portal to the ecumenical world, each carrying a few articles of interest and links to Churches and groups and the two Facebook pages carry news of people and events locally, regionally and nationally and are updated at least once per day.
‘Churches Linked Across Staffordshire and the Potteries’ website (Link HERE) and Facebook page (Link HERE)
The ‘Black Country Churches Engaged’ website (Link HERE) and Facebook page (Link HERE)


Easter Pilgrimage 2025: 21st - 26th April

People linked to either the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury or Birmingham District are invited to join a “pilgrim community” of up to 12 people this Easter week on a route in the beautiful South Shropshire countryside, gathering at Ludlow on the evening of Easter Monday and finishing at Church Stretton the following Saturday.  It is possible to get to both the start and the finish by train.  During this six day experience, we will walk, pray and eat together and share sleeping space in a number of Methodist Churches.  Luggage (including your airbed / camp-bed and bedding) will be transferred each day.  Mileage will be around 7 to 11 miles, taken at a gentle pace on rural routes that may include stiles.  We share cooking within the group.  
This is now a “tried and tested” formula which has been greatly appreciated by previous pilgrims.  Being willing to be part of a short-term community is far more important than being super-fit, providing you can manage a modest amount of walking over a number of consecutive days, followed by nights on a church floor!  The pilgrimage will be led by a small team of previous pilgrims, including Rachel Parkinson, Chair of Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District.  
If means allow, we suggest a contribution of £120 to the kitty to cover food, accommodation and luggage transfer.  Unfortunately, the living arrangements mean we cannot include children and young people, though they will be welcome to join us as accompanied day walkers (details later). 
Numbers are strictly limited so if you are interested in joining the group this year, please don’t delay - contact Richard Lockley in the W&S District Office:   


Special request for Hymnbooks for Africa

Special request from the Music Association of the Methodist Church in Southern Africa

Do any British Churches have any old Methodist Hymnbooks hanging around that aren’t being used, especially music copies with music or tonic salfa annotation? The tunes in these hymnbooks are still widely used in Southern Africa and copies would be much appreciated.

If anyone can help, please contact Andrew Ashdown, Partnership Coordinator for Africa. E-Mail:



The Greenhouse at Barnes Close Retreats

This year the Greenhouse at Barnes Close are running six residential retreats - three led Encounter retreats (Lent, Psalms, Advent) and three Time & Space retreats (which are just that).. For further details all the info is here including details about our Lent retreat in March.


Advanced Safeguarding Courses - update 

If your circuit requires a course please let me know -
29/3/25 – Carrs Lane Birmingham 0945hrs registration
05/04/25 – New Road Methodist Church DY4 7DE. – 0945hrs registration
04/10/25 – Brierley Hill MC Vale of Stour 0945hrs registration
Also for online courses use this link – its uploaded with new options regularly – if someone requires on line option can they please email me so I can create an account with MCBX as there is pre course work with this option -
Online courses –
24/3/25 – 10am x 12pm
24/3/25 – 7pm x 9pm
12/6/25 – 10am x 12pm
12/6/25 – 7pm x 9pm
With on line options there is a requirement to complete the pre course work via MCBX so anyone wishing to choose online course need to email myself, Stephanie Bradley at so I can create an account with MCBX as there is a requirement to complete pre course work on MCBX – some people are just attending the course without completing the MCBX work. The online option is far more time consuming than face to face and the feedback I receive is that the MCBX work is repeated at the on line session – just for people to consider.


New District Website and Socials launched

If you are looking for updates and news of the progress of the District merger, the launch of the new website and socials has now taken place so please click the link below to sign up for news regarding the new West Midlands District so you don't miss a thing!


Safeguarding Officer needed

The Methodist Church
Telford Circuit
Home -based
12 Hours per Week 
£7488 (Actual Salary)
We seek a person with ability to lead and instruct on all aspects around Safeguarding at a Circuit Level and to support local churches in exercising their Safeguarding responsibilities.
The post is to commence as soon as possible.
Applications will be dealt with as they are received until we find the right person for the role.
For a full application pack
please contact the Circuit Administrator
Telephone: 01952 505108



District Children's Activities Fund

If your Church is looking to run Children's activities and want some hep with funding, (up to £500)don't forget to apply to the District Children's Activities Fund using the application form linked to this and forward to Tim Lorimer at



Methodist Conference 2025 - Telford

Taking place @ Telford International Centre
26th June – 2nd July 2025

An exciting opportunity to support
The METHODIST Conference

Conference Needs
Stewards/Help Desk
Collators and paper distributors
Memorial Service Chaplains

Please make initial contact with YOUR District’s PA
Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury
Chester and Stoke
Be part of the team that makes The Methodist Conference work!





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