Chair's Lent Pilgrimage Walks continue
Chair’s Lent Pilgrimage Walks
On Fridays in Lent, the District Chair will be making pilgrimage
prayer walks in the Circuits. This Friday Rachel will make
a journey through the Stafford and the Cannock Chase Circuits.
She will begin with breakfast at Weston, walking with
friends from the Circuit to Berkswich for a light lunch. In
the afternoon she’ll call in to St Paul’s Rugeley before
finishing up at Handsacre, where she will meet young people and
their leaders who are going to the Amplify Weekend and travel on
with them.
If you have any prayers that you would like her to carry on the
pilgrimage, please contact Rachel by email - chair@wsmethodist.org.uk
The photo collage is from last week’s pilgrimage in the Black
Country. The Lent pilgrimage on Friday 21st will be in the
Telford Circuit.

Weekend this Weekend
weekend will see a large gathering of young people and their
leaders from this District and the Birmingham District
at Whitemoor Lakes Activity Centre near Lichfield.
Please pray for all children and young people; for their
leaders; and for the organising team for the weekend, especially
Charlotte Hambly, the Birmingham District youth co-ordinator.
Many of us will remember weekends like this as being
especially memorable and formative in our own faith journeys -
let’s pray that it may be so for a new generation of young
for Spiritual Companions
Forum for Spiritual Directors and Companions are organising a one
year ecumenical Spiritual Accompaniment training course for lay
and ordained Christians from September 2025 to July 2026
It is ecumenical and two of the facilitators are Methodists.
Please click here
for more details.
Ordained Ministry - 14 June 2025
We are
now taking bookings for the next Exploring Ordained Ministry Day!
It will be held on Saturday 14 June 2025 from 10am to 12:30pm.
The link to book your place is here.
Please pass this on to those who might be exploring a Call to
Ordained Ministry.
Movie comes to Shrewsbury
could you put the following or something similar in your church
notice sheet over the next few weekends and
get word around by social media, WhatsApp groups, word-of-mouth,
Sunday church announcements etc.:
Bonhoeffer 12A
is showing at
Old Market Hall, Shrewsbury
The Square SY1 1LH
from Friday
28th March - Thurs. 3rd April:
Fri. at
2pm & 8pm
Sat. at
2pm & 5pm
Sun. at
Mon. at
2pm & 5pm
Tues at
Wed at 2pm
& 8pm
Thurs at
***Try to organise at least one group outing for your church
including to a midweek matinee for retired people)***
For details, trailer and to book go to:
inspiring, faith-filled story...Bonhoeffer's courage remains as
provocative and powerful as ever"
- Nathanael
Christianity magazine
of the words spoken in the film have such an unnerving and
uncomfortable contemporary relevance that I hear gasps in the
cinema. 'Bonhoeffer' speaks with extraordinary clarity to a
time when an ugly nationalism seems once more to be on the rise
across the world"
- J. John
I hope these showings go really well in Shrewsbury. Please
let everyone know and encourage them to attend.
With many thanks
Every blessing in Christ
David Taylor
Christian films at my Cinema
David Lavender's new email address
note that if you would like to contact Rev'd David Lavender by
email, please use his Gmail address davidflavender@gmail.com.
Spring Report
you for the wonderful support from our friends within the
Methodist Church, your tremendous dedication to Methodist Homes
(MHA) and your overwhelming support of our mission, vision and
values has again supported our vital work in helping people to live
later life well.
Changes at MHA
2023 was another challenging year with the cost-of-living crisis,
inflation, massive increases in energy costs and a shortage of
workers across the care sector.
The biggest changes were announced in May 2023 following a strategic
review of MHA’s services. The decision was made to sell ten care
homes, place Auchlochan Garden Village in Scotland and its two
associated care homes, into administration and sell the charity’s
three remaining retirement living schemes in Scotland. Since the
announcement, Hafan y Waun in Aberystwyth has transferred to the
local authority. The sale of eight homes is proceeding well and
should be completed by spring. Sadly, the buyer for the tenth
home, Cedar Lawn in Stratford upon Avon, withdrew and in January,
MHA had to make the difficult decision to close the home.
Revd Crispian Acher
August 2023, we were shocked by the unexpected and very sudden
death of our Head of Chaplaincy South, Crispian Acher, who at
that time had just taken on the role of Acting Director of
Chaplaincy and Spirituality. Crispian was a much loved and
respected member of staff throughout MHA and beyond and is
greatly missed.
Celebrating MHA’s 80th
The 80th-anniversary service held at Wesley Church,
Harrogate on 23 September was a joyful occasion, and it was
wonderful to be joined by so many friends from the Methodist
Church. President of Conference Revd Gill Newton preached
an inspiring sermon, encouraging us to look back with
thanksgiving, and to continue forwards in confidence, knowing
that God is good, loving and faithful.
Finding Nana
The children’s book, “Finding Nana” was championed by Crispian
Acher up until his untimely death in August, and now becomes his
legacy. It was developed in recognition that it can be
daunting for children when a loved one moves into a care home and
seeks to address the anxieties that such young people may have
when preparing to visit a friend or relative for the first time.
The story has been written by author Jenni Bacon following visits
to an MHA home and is illustrated by Sophie Parmenter. It has
been published in partnership with Methodist Publishing and BRF.
It is now available to order and will be formally launched in
February 2024.
MHA Sunday
In 2023, MHA Sunday was themed around our intergenerational work,
reflecting on 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, and how we need one another
for our wellbeing. Through your generous support, we have raised
approximately £160k through MHA Sunday activities and other
support from faith communities.
This year, our MHA Sunday will be themed around Mark 4:30-32, the
parable of the mustard seed, as we reflect on how the seemingly
small act of making a regular telephone call has a big impact in
our telephone befriending service. In this year’s video, we meet
Dot and Grace, who were matched through this service, and witness
them meeting face to face for the first time. MHA Sunday is held
on 9 June 2024, but you are welcome to hold your service on any
date that fits with your calendar of activities.
Our dedicated web page has free downloadable resources including
an order of service (available in English and Welsh), the video,
sermon notes and a fully worked sermon; everything you need to
plan your service. You can also order Gift Aid envelopes
for your church or circuit. To find all of this, visit mha.org.uk/Sunday.
you for all your support. In faith and kindness, we are
stronger together.
Annual Global Missions Conference
Please click the link for a flyer
about the MWM Annual Global Missions Conference, to be held at
Cliff College May 30th to June 1st.
for Human Need news
Click the links to find out more about The Fund for Human Need news
and Spring reports.
Food: Spiritual Nourishment through Lent

This year’s Connexional resource for Lent can be found here: https://www.methodist.org.uk/for-churches/soul-food/
There are many ways for individuals and churches to
There is a link on the site to a hospitality initiative called “Susanna’s Table”
originating in Yorkshire West District. This offers an
invitation for groups of Methodists to gather around a table in
their own context, creating a place of Encounter, Fellowship and
Learning. The hope is that Susanna’s tables will gather in
homes, town centres, outside village halls, in churches, coffee
shops, work places and other contexts, with small grants being
available to facilitate this.
We hope to pick up on this initiative in this District, with
churches doing the planning in Lent so that the tables can gather
between Easter and Pentecost. We hope small grants will be
available on much the same basis as those on offer for Advent and
Christmas. Watch this space for more news next week!
Synod are looking for a Synod Secretary and Deputy Chair
As we
continue to grow as the West Midlands Methodist District, new
roles and volunteer opportunities will start to be released
throughout March—beginning with senior roles.
Expressions of Interest are invited for the
role of:
This is a voluntary role open to lay and ordained Methodists
living in the West Midlands District.
You will be a member of the Senior Leadership Team of the
District and a District Trustee with particular responsibility
for organising the twice a year Representative Synod meetings.
You will need to:
- be able to think
creatively and strategically and work collaboratively
- a proven
commitment to Justice Dignity & Solidarity,
- good
administrative and organisation skills,
- knowledge and
experience of several church settings,
- a good
understanding of charity governance particularly in a
Methodist Church context.
appointment is for 3 years with the possibility of extension for
a further 3 years.
Click here
for a full role description.
You will be the named Deputy for the District Chair, a District
Trustee and member of the District’s Senior Leadership Team and
take responsibility for an area(s) of District life as agreed
with the Chair
2-3 sessions a week in agreement with your circuit
Remuneration: pro-rata stipend plus appropriate allowance
You will need to be
• a Methodist presbyter in the ‘active’ work
• a reflective practitioner who models discipleship development
and the importance of self-care
• able to think creatively and strategically and work
• able to initiate and manage change effectively and sensitively
and have a proven commitment to JDS,
• the ability to motivate and inspire others
• pastoral and conflict management skills
For a conversation about the role please contact Novette Headley
or Rachel Parkinson or for more information and a role
description email: info@wmmethodists.org.uk
Click here
for a full role description and a Voluntary Application form.
in getting involved?
Keep an eye on
our website for new listings.
We’ll also share
updates right here on social media.
Not sure what
role suits you? We’re here to help! You can arrange a 1:1 chat
with a member of our team to explore the best fit for your skills
and passions.
To book a
1:1, email info@wmmethodists.org.uk,
and we’ll connect you with someone from our team.
Delegation Returns from Rwanda

(Photo: just some of the 400 children enjoy games with the
parachute donated by Wombourne MC)
The team returned from Rwanda on Sunday, with hearts full of
gratitude for the people they met and the stories they were able
to share.
The later part of the week saw the team visit a number of schools
run by the Free Methodist Church where children who support a
range of football teams from Arsenal to Tottenham Hotspur were
delighted to receive footballs donated by the Cannock Chase
Circuit. Footballs are a luxury in Rwanda - the ones
in the Supermarket cost more than £25 each!
The final day included a two hour activity session for children
attached to the church at Gikondo. Plans had been made for
60 children. The expectation was then raised to 150-200.
400 turned up! It was riotous but wonderful - with
singing, storytelling and sports.
The team will be making a presentation to Synod, but if you would
like to hear more in your church or Circuit, please contact the
District Office.
Diary Date Reminders
Presbyteral Session of Synod will meet on 27th March at
Wellington Methodist Church.
The Representative Session of Synod will meet on Saturday 10th
May in person at a venue to be confirmed.
Both Synods will be in Session from 10am till roughly 3pm, with
refreshments from 9.30am and at the close
Voluntary Work Opportunity
Advice Walsall, the mission outreach project
of Walsall Methodist Central Hall, is looking for a volunteer to
help with administration for the management team.
The project has been running for over twelve years under the
trusteeship of the Church Council. At the council’s request the
management team is working to transfer Ablewell Advice into a
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
We provide a Foodbank as part of Black Country Foodbank, and a
free to use Benefit and Debt advice service to anyone in living
in the Walsall area.
We are looking for a volunteer to provide administrative support
to the Management Team. You will work closely with the Chair of
the Team, preparing Agendas and taking minutes of the meetings.
Additional responsibilities may develop in line with the
successful candidate’s skills, abilities, level of interest and
enthusiasm to take on more as they feel able.
To discuss or to apply for the role, please email Andrew Beattie
at abb4aac@gmail.com, or phone 07
967 975 861.
Briefing 25/26: Save the Dates
The West
Midlands District preparation and training meeting to outline the
stationing process will be held online on 1st May at 7pm.
In Circuits where invitations come to an end in 2026, those
expected to attend are presbyters, deacons, Superintendents
and Circuit and Church Stewards who will be involved in
the process. Spouses/partners or other supporting people are
warmly invited to attend the briefing
alongside ministers.
There will be a follow-up online session on 13th May at
7pm for those who engaging with the
processes of re-invitations. Recognising that this can
be a complex process, this session will go into more details
around the protocols and will give greater space of
questions to be aired.
Monthly' Mission Series Launches

The Methodist Church is thrilled to announce the launch of
wholehearted monthly, a free, online mission series starting in
March on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
GMT/BST. People from all traditions and countries are welcome.
is wholehearted monthly? Think community
organising rally meets immersive spiritual laboratory. It's
for anyone committed to a vibrant friendship between
"Church" and "World" — and a desire for
both to flourish. Each month, testimony from local innovators,
input from a renowned guest speaker, and wisdom-sharing in
networks around Gospel justice, inclusion, evangelism, and
Speakers for the first of these gatherings are now public!
Williams is a theologian, poet and former
Archbishop of Canterbury, and is author of fifty books on
literature, politics, and being Christian. (Tuesday 8 April)
McDonald is a writer, broadcaster and
author, and is Director of Theos, the religion and society think
tank. (Tuesday
13 May)
Get your seat at the online table here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wholehearted-monthly-tickets-1082365166349?aff=evangelismgrowth
Hosted by The Methodist Church in Britain and open to all.
Safeguarding Courses - update
If your circuit requires a course please let me
know -
– Carrs Lane Birmingham 0945hrs registration 0945hrs
– New Road MC – The Black Country Circuit – DY4 7DE-
0945hrs registration – was LEABROOK but location has had to
be changed
– Beckminster MC - Wolverhampton Circuit – 0945hrs registration
– Central Hall - Coventry Circuit – 0945hrs registration
– Sutton Park Circuit – Four Oaks Methodist Church – 0945hrs
– Studley MC – B80 7NJ – Bromsgrove Circuit 0945hrs registration
– Selly Oak MC Bham – 0945hrs registration
– Blackheath & Halesowen Circuit - Blackheath Central
Methodist church, High street Rowley Regis B65 0EH
0945hrs registration
– Brierley Hill MC Vale of Stour 0945hrs registration
for online courses use this link – its uploaded with new options
regularly – if someone requires on line option can they please
email me so I can create an account with MCBX as there is pre
course work with this option – please bear in mind there is pre
work for online course via MCBX
Online courses –
24/3/25 – 10am x 12pm
24/3/25 – 7pm x 9pm
12/6/25 – 10am x 12pm
12/6/25 – 7pm x 9pm
With on line options there is a requirement to complete the pre
course work via MCBX so anyone wishing to choose online course need
to email myself, Stephanie Bradley at StephanieBradley@birminghammethodist.org.uk so
I can create an account with MCBX as there is a requirement
to complete pre course work on MCBX – some people are just
attending the course without completing the MCBX work. The online
option is far more time consuming than face to face and the
feedback I receive is that the MCBX work is repeated at the on
line session – just for people to consider.
District Website and Socials launched

If you are looking for updates and news of the progress of the
District merger, the launch of the new website and socials
has now taken place so please click the link below to sign up for
news regarding the new West Midlands District so you don't miss a
Children's Activities Fund
your Church is looking to run Children's activities and
want some hep with funding, (up to £500)don't forget to apply to
the District Children's Activities Fund using the application
form linked to this and forward to Tim Lorimer at childrensfunding2024@gmail.com